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Vision Single Server Install Guide


The Vision.Config, Vision.Presentation, Cluster.Master and Cluster.Worker roles must be installed:

$A1BASEDIR/bin/Package install-role Vision.Config, Vision.Presentation, Cluster.Master, Cluster.Worker


These roles can also be added during installation of a new server by specifying them to SetupWizard.

Deploy the Vision Backend and Web UI

  1. A microservice cluster and namespace is needed for Vision.

    1. If a cluster already exists on the server, the namespace can be added to the existing cluster:

      $A1BASEDIR/bin/cluster/clusterctl add namespace --namespace a1-vision
    2. Otherwise, a cluster must be created if one does not already exist. See the Microservice Cluster Setup guide.

  2. Switch to the assure1 user and setup the variables used in the rest of steps:

    su - assure1
    export VISIONNAMESPACE=a1-vision
    export WEBFQDN=<Primary Presentation Web FQDN>
  3. Ensure the helm repo is up-to-date:

    a1helm repo update
  4. The pulsar and event-canal microservices are required if they have not been already installed. Please install them before continuing.

    • The Apache Pulsar microservice is a multi-tenant, high-performance solution for server-to-server messaging. Additional information is available in the Apache Pulsar microservice documentation.

    • The Assure1 Event Canal microservice provides the foundation for streaming analytics of events. Additional information is available in the Assure1 Event Canal microservice documentation.

  5. Deploy the Vision core backend apps:

    a1helm install vision assure1/vision -n $VISIONNAMESPACE --set global.imageRegistry=$WEBFQDN
  6. The following can be used to verify the pods are running. Do not proceed until all show as Running:

    a1k get pods -n $VISIONNAMESPACE
  7. Deploy the Vision event apps:

    a1helm install vision-event assure1/vision-event -n $VISIONNAMESPACE --set global.imageRegistry=$WEBFQDN
  8. The following can be used to verify the pods are running. Do not proceed until all show as Running:

    a1k get pods -n $VISIONNAMESPACE
  9. The following can be used to check the application logs and verify there are no ERROR messages:

    a1k logs $(a1k get pods -n $VISIONNAMESPACE | awk '/assure1-consumer/ {print $1;exit}') -n $VISIONNAMESPACE
    a1k logs $(a1k get pods -n $VISIONNAMESPACE | awk '/event-consumer/ {print $1;exit}') -n $VISIONNAMESPACE
    a1k logs $(a1k get pods -n $VISIONNAMESPACE | awk '/event-enrichment/ {print $1;exit}') -n $VISIONNAMESPACE
  10. Deploy the Vision Web UI:

    a1helm install vision-web assure1/vision-web -n $VISIONNAMESPACE --set global.imageRegistry=$WEBFQDN
  11. The following can be used to verify the pods are running. Do not proceed until all show as Running:

    a1k get pods -n $VISIONNAMESPACE
  12. The following can be used to check the web UI logs and verify there are no ERROR messages:

    a1k logs $(a1k get pods -n $VISIONNAMESPACE | awk '/vision-web/ {print $1;exit}') -n $VISIONNAMESPACE

Access the Vision UI

  1. Log in to the Assure1 UI.

  2. Vision can be accessed by clicking on the Vision link that is under Analytics:

    Analytics -> Vision