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Single Server Install Guide


A single server install is normally used as a test server or for proof of concepts. Single server installs should not be used for prolonged network monitoring.


See the Prerequisites for CentOS7 or RHEL7 documentation before starting an installation.


  1. Get the collection files by logging into MOS, then going to the "Patches & Updates" tab.

  2. Upload the files to the "/opt/install/" directory on the server. (Create the directory, if it does not already exist.)

  3. Unzip all of the collection files:

  4. Extract the contents of the collection to the /opt/install/ directory:

    cat Assure1-5.X.Y-ZZZ.tgz.part-* | tar -C /opt/install/ -xzv
  5. Install the RPM on all servers that will be part of the environment using one of the following examples.

    • This will install Assure1 into the /opt/assure1/ directory:

      yum install /opt/install/Assure1-5.X.Y-ZZZ.x86_64.rpm
    • Assure1 can be installed to a different directory by using the "rpm" installation command with the "prefix" flag. An example is shown below which will place the files in the "/opt/a1/" directory:


      Using the "rpm" command will not automatically install the required dependencies, and some dependency errors may come up if using this method. Install the missing dependencies, then install again using the "rpm" command.

      rpm -ivh --prefix /opt/a1 /opt/install/Assure1-5.X.Y-ZZZ.x86_64.rpm
  6. The SetupWizard for installing Assure1 is located in the $A1BASEDIR/bin/ directory. Go to the directory:

    cd $A1BASEDIR/bin/


    The default $A1BASEDIR is /opt/assure1/. This may be different if a custom path was used in the previous step.

  7. Run the SetupWizard to begin the installation. The SetupWizard command must be run as root:

    ./SetupWizard --Depot /opt/install/:a1-local
  8. When prompted Is this your Primary Presentation Server?, enter y and press Enter.

  9. When prompted What is this install's Web FQDN? [FQDN]:, make a change if needed, then press Enter.

  10. When prompted Comma-delimited list of roles to install (numeric):, enter the numerical value for the "All" role, and then press Enter.

  11. When prompted Do you accept all the license agreements? Must type "AGREE":, enter AGREE and press Enter.

  12. The software will then be installed. Wait for this process to finish.

  13. The following log files can be checked for errors that may have occurred during the install:

    • $A1BASEDIR/logs/SetupWizard.log

    • $A1BASEDIR/logs/Package.log

  14. The AnalyticsWizard for installing analytics is located in the $A1BASEDIR/bin/historical/ directory. Go to the directory:

    cd $A1BASEDIR/bin/historical/
  15. Run the AnalyticsWizard to begin the installation. The AnalyticsWizard command must be run as root:

  16. When prompted Allow this script to configure for analytics? [n]:, enter y and press Enter.

  17. When prompted What heap size should Elasticsearch use? [<value>]:, make a change if needed, then press Enter.


    The <value> will be set to half of the total system memory, rounded down. This can be changed for different environments, with a minimum recommended value of 512 megabytes (512m).

  18. When prompted What maximum machine learning size should Elasticsearch use (percent of system memory)? [60]:, make a change if needed, then press Enter.

  19. When provided information about analytics components and a list of servers, then prompted Are these servers correct? [n]:, enter y and press Enter.

  20. Analytics will then be installed, along with a variety of sub-services needed for proper functionality.

  21. Enter the web-FQDN of the server into your browser to open up the UI login page. Login with:

    • Username: admin

    • Password: admin

  22. Navigate to the Users UI and select the admin user account.

    Configuration -> AAA -> Users


    As a best practice, it is advised to update/change the administrator password to a password of your choosing.

Post Installation

After the above steps are done, the base installation is now completed. Please review the additional documentation available in the "Getting started" and "Basic Setup" sections which are available in the navigation on the left, about how to use the Assure1 platform.