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Broker Control

The Broker Control UIs are used to interface with the Assure1 Broker Daemon/Service, sending control signals for services and jobs on the different Assure1 servers.

The following list gives you the names of the six Broker Control UIs and a brief description of their respective functions:

  • Application Config Types - This UI is used to add, edit, or remove the Application Configuration Types within the application configuration. These types are used to define the specific configuration types and how they are represented.

  • Failover Service States - This UI is used to view all services across an Assure1 installation that are configured as a Primary/Backup failover on two servers. This allows you to see what services are running and where they are running from if there are any issues. The information in this interface is generated by polling the state in the primary Broker, whose responsibility it is for keeping track of the state and mediating state between remote brokers. This feature is used in correlation with the Redundancy implementation. If the system does not use application redundancy, this interface will not be populated with data.

  • Jobs - This UI is used to add, edit, or remove jobs. A job is an application that can be run at scheduled times, using a cron-like syntax. You can customize the Job by choosing which program to run, any arguments, and if applicable, the configuration that the scheduled job uses to gather additional options and features. The jobs UI also can be used to create primary and backup jobs and determine the failover state.

  • Servers - This UI is used to view the broker-level configuration options of an Assure1 server, and how an installation can be updated to using newer packages.

  • Services - This UI is used to add, edit, or remove services. A service is an application that runs continuously. It is customizable by choosing which program to run, any arguments, and if applicable, the configuration that the service uses to gather additional options and features. The services section also can be used to create primary and backup services and determine the failover state, some applications can be put into a cluster state for distributed polling.

Broker Configurations

This section focuses on some of the more advanced configurations that can be made from the Broker Control UI, including the following:

  • Creating a new service through the Services UI.

  • Performing broker-level configurations on the server through the Servers UI.

Creating a New Service

An application's configuration will control certain aspects of the application's behavior in Assure1. In certain cases, it makes sense to run the same application multiple times with different settings. In this example, you will create a new Ping Latency Poller service that will poll devices in a Device Zone that is different to the standard Ping Latency Poller.

  1. Navigate to Device Zones UI and create a new Device Zone titled WAN.

    Configuration -> Device Catalog -> Device Zones

  2. Navigate to Device Management UI and move a few devices to the WAN Device Zone.

    Configuration -> Device Catalog -> Device Management

  3. Go to the Services UI.

    Configuration -> Broker Control -> Services

  4. Click to select the existing Metric Ping Latency Poller service, and click the Clone button to clone the service.

  5. In the form (to the right of the grid), enter an appropriate name for the Service Name and for the Log File configuration type.

    1. For example, WAN Metric Ping Latency Poller and logs/MetricWANPingPoller.log, respectively.
  6. Select WAN for the DeviceZoneID.


    New application configuration types can be added and edited from the Application Config Types UI.

    Configuration -> Broker Control -> Application Config Types

  7. Click Submit to save the new service.

  8. Start the new WAN Metric Ping Latency Poller service. It now polls metrics for the Devices in Zone WAN.


The Servers UI (Configuration -> Broker Control -> Servers) is used for viewing the broker configuration options of an Assure1 server.

Selecting a server from this interface will open the Server (edit) form to the right of the grid. From this form, various Broker configuration options can be edited, such as:

  • The log level of the Broker.

  • The number of threads to use for the Broker.

  • Displaying a custom name.

  • Setting a primary server (in a redundant environment).

  • Setting the number of log files to keep.

  • Setting what size log files should be rotated.