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Topology Customization

Normally in topology graphs, only Device type vertices have the ability to show a colored indicator around the vertex, as well as show icons for the Device's Performance and Event states.

This document will outline the various properties that can be added to graph Vertices and Edges to allow the customization of any Vertex or Edge to have a color.

It will also show the properties that can be added to a Vertex to allow it to show and customise the color of the Performance and Event Icons.

It also contains information on how to customise the left-click functionality on Vertices and Edges, this is done using link properties.

Vertex Color

The simplest way to add color to a Vertex that is not a Device type is to add the DeviceID property to the Vertex, this will treat the Vertex as if it is a Device Type and use the DeviceID set to determine the Vertex and Performance & Event Icon colors.

If you wish to further customise how the colors of the Vertex is determined you can use the following properties:


Use this to pick which data you want to use to decide the color of the Vertex. Set to Event or Metric


This will set the color of the Vertex based on the event severity data of the device selected using the following properties:


  • NodeFilterType: Use this to define what value type you are using to find the Device. Set to either DeviceName or DeviceID. Defaults to DeviceID.

  • NodeFilterValue: The ID or name of the device whose availability data you want to use. Defaults to value of DeviceID property.


This will set the color of the Vertex by testing the metric defined in the properties against the threshold(s) defined in the properties.

The thresholds are tested against the defined metric value in the properties.

There are a few possible combinations of properties that can be set here.

There are two possibly ways to define what metric you wish to test:

  • Option 1:

    • NodeMetricID: ID of the metric.

    • DeviceID: ID of the device associated with the metric.

    • NodeTimeRange: Time Range that Metric is being tested for, formatted in this way Defaults to

    • NodeMetricField: The key for which value you wish to use from the metric. Set to Value, Availability or Utilization. It will use the Average of the selected key. Defaults to Value.

  • Option 2:

    • NodeMetricTypeID: ID of the metric type. Defaults to 60.

    • NodeMetricInstanceName: Name of the instance of the metric. Defaults to Device.

    • DeviceID: ID of the device associated with the metric.

    • NodeTimeRange: Time Range that metric is being tested for, formatted in this way

    • NodeMetricField: The key for which value you wish to use from the metric. Set to Value, Availability or Utilization. It will use the average value of the selected key. Defaults to Value.


If both methods of defining a metric are defined, Option 1 will be used.


Once the metric data source has been defined the threshold data can be defined in two ways, as custom defined operators and values for Critical and/or Warning or as a thresholdID for the threshold you want to use.

Properties to define custom thresholds
  • NodeCriticalManualThresholdOperator: Operator for testing critical threshold. Defaults to ==.

  • NodeCriticalManualThresholdValue: Value to test against metric for critical. Defaults to an empty string.

  • NodeWarningManualThresholdOperator: Operator for testing warning threshold. Defaults to ==.

  • NodeWarningManualThresholdValue: Value to test against metric for warning. Defaults to an empty string.

Properties to use a predefined threshold
  • NodeThresholdID: ID of Threshold

When figuring out the color for the Vertex using Metric and Thresholds.

If either Manual Thresholds are defined it will check the metric against them first.

If the defined manual thresholds are not broken, and there is no ThresholdID defined it will color the Vertex green.

If the ThresholdID property is defined it will check that thresholds definition against the metric and if neither are broken it will color the Vertex green.

Performance Icon Color

If you wish to customise how the colors of the Performance Icon is determined you can use the following properties:


Use this to pick which data you want to use to decide the color of the Performance Icon. Set to Event or Metric


This will set the color of the Performance Icon based on the event severity data of the device selected using the following properties:


  • PerformanceFilterType: Use this to define what value type you are using to find the Device. Set to either DeviceName or DeviceID. Defaults to DeviceID.

  • PerformanceFilterValue: The ID or name of the device whose availability data you want to use. Defaults to the value of DeviceID property.


This will set the color of the Performance Icon by testing the metric defined in the properties against the threshold(s) defined in the properties.

The thresholds are tested against the defined metric value in the properties.

There are a few possible combinations of properties that can be set here.

There are two possibly ways to define what metric you wish to test:

  • Option 1

    • PerformanceMetricID: ID of the metric.

    • DeviceID: ID of the device associated with the metric.

    • PerformanceTimeRange: Time Range that Metric is being tested for, formatted in this way Defaults to

    • PerformanceMetricField: The key for which value you wish to use from the metric. Set to Value, Availability or Utilization. It will use the average value of the selected key. Defaults to Value.

  • Option 2

    • PerformanceMetricTypeID: ID of the metric type. Defaults to 60.

    • PerformanceMetricInstanceName: Name of the instance of the metric. Defaults to Device.

    • DeviceID: ID of the device associated with the metric.

    • PerformanceTimeRange: Time Range that metric is being tested for, formatted in this way Defaults to

    • PerformanceMetricField: The key for which value you wish to use from the metric. Set to Value, Availability or Utilization. It will use the average value of the selected key. Defaults to Value.


If both methods of defining a metric are defined, Option 1 will be used.


Once the metric data source has been defined the threshold data can be defined in two ways, as custom defined operators and values for Critical and/or Warning or as a thresholdID for the threshold you want to use.

Properties to define custom thresholds
  • PerformanceCriticalManualThresholdOperator: Operator for testing critical threshold. Defaults to ==.

  • PerformanceCriticalManualThresholdValue: Value to test against metric for critical. Defaults to an empty string.

  • PerformanceWarningManualThresholdOperator: Operator for testing warning threshold. Defaults to an ==.

  • PerformanceWarningManualThresholdValue: Value to test against metric for warning. Defaults to an empty string.

Properties to use a predefined threshold
  • PerformanceThresholdID - ID of Threshold

An additional Property for Performance Icon is available:

  • PerformanceVisibility: Set to false it will never display the Performance Icon.

Event Icon Color

If you wish to customise how the colors of the Event Icon is determined you can use the following properties:

  • EventFilterType: Use this to define what value type you are using to find the Device. Set to either DeviceName or DeviceID. Defaults to DeviceID.

  • EventFilterValue: The ID or name of the device whose availability data you want to use. Defaults to the value of DeviceID property.

An additional Property for Event Icon is available:

  • EventVisibility: Set to false it will never display the Event Icon.

Edge Color

By default, edges do not have a color and will be grey. If you wish to further customise how the colors of the Edge is determined you can use the following properties:


Use this to pick which data you want to use to decide the color of the Edge. Set to Event or Metric


This will set the color of the Edge based on the event severity data of the device selected using the following properties:


  • EdgeFilterType: Use this to define what value type you are using to find the Device. Set to either DeviceName or DeviceID. Defaults to DeviceID.

  • EdgeFilterValue: The ID or name of the device whose availability data you want to use. Defaults to the value of DeviceID property.


This will set the color of the Edge by testing the metric defined in the properties against the threshold(s) defined in the properties.

The thresholds are tested against the defined metric value in the properties.

There are a few possible combinations of properties that can be set here.

There are two possibly ways to define what metric you wish to test:

  • Option 1

    • EdgeMetricID: ID of the metric.

    • DeviceID: ID of the device associated with the metric.

    • EdgeMetricField: The key for which value you wish to use from the metric. Set to Value, Availability or Utilization. It will use the Average of the selected key. Defaults to Value.

    • EdgeTimeRange: Time Range that Metric is being tested for, formatted in this way Defaults to

  • Option 2:

    • EdgeMetricTypeID: ID of the metric type. Defaults to 60.

    • EdgeMetricInstanceName: Name of the instance of the metric. Defaults to Device.

    • DeviceID: ID of the device associated with the metric.

    • EdgeMetricField: The key for which value you wish to use from the metric. Set to Value, Availability or Utilization. It will use the average value of the selected key. Defaults to Value.

    • EdgeTimeRange: Time Range that metric is being tested for, formatted in this way Defaults to


If both methods of defining a metric are defined, Option 1 will be used.


Once the metric data source has been defined the threshold data can be defined in two ways, as custom defined operators and values for Critical and/or Warning or as a thresholdID for the threshold you want to use.

Properties to define custom thresholds
  • EdgeCriticalManualThresholdOperator: Operator for testing critical threshold. Defaults to ==.

  • EdgeCriticalManualThresholdValue: Value to test against metric for critical. Defaults to an empty string.

  • EdgeWarningManualThresholdOperator: Operator for testing warning threshold. Defaults to ==.

  • EdgeWarningManualThresholdValue: Value to test against metric for warning. Defaults to an empty string.

Properties to use a predefined threshold
  • EdgeThresholdID: ID of Threshold

When figuring out the color for the Edge using Metric and Thresholds.

If either Manual Thresholds are defined it will check the metric against them first.

If the defined manual thresholds are not broken, and there is no ThresholdID defined it will color the Edge green.

If the ThresholdID property is defined it will check that thresholds definition against the metric and if neither are broken it will color the Edge green.

Link Properties allow you to have custom functionality when left-clicking on a Vertex or Edge. Based on the configuration of the properties you can open the following views:

  • A Device Information Grid.

  • An Event List.

  • A Metric Graph.

  • A link to an external site

The LinkType and LinkTarget properties define what type of view and where the view will be open.

  • LinkType: Defines what view to open. Options are Device, EventList, Metric, Link.

  • LinkTarget: Defines where to open the View. Options are Window, New Tab, Current Tab. Defaults to Window.

The various views use properties to influence what data is displayed, each views expected properties are as follows for each LinkType:

  • LinkValue: Set this to the DeviceName which you wish to have the view display information for.
  • LinkFilterType: Set this to the Filter Type which you wish the Event List to filter using, for example DeviceName. Defaults to DeviceName.

  • LinkFilterValue: Set this to the Value you wish the Event List to be filtered to.


For Metric views there are two options for configuration of this view. If both are defined it option 1 will take precedence

  • Option 1:

    • DeviceID: Set this to the Device of the Metric the view will show.

    • LinkMetricID: Set this to the Metric ID the view should show.

  • Option 2:

    • LinkFilterValue: Set this to the name of the Device of the Metric the view will show.

    • LinkMetricInstanceName: Set this to the instance of the Metric, for example: Device. Defaults to Device.

    • LinkMetricTypeName: Set this to the type of metric, for example: CPU Utilization. Defaults to Latency.

  • LinkValue: Set this to the LinkID from the Links grid.