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Event List Sorting Using Displays

The default sort that is applied to the event list is set in the Sorting Order area within the Columns section. This section shows you how to add new columns to the sort, removing a column from the sort, changing the individual column sort direction, and changing the order of columns in the sorting order:

Assure1 Event Sorting

Sorting is configurable on the event Configuration -> Events -> Displays UI.

Adding a New Column

Columns can be added to the sort order by clicking-and-dragging items from the Columns list to the Sorting order field.

  1. In this example, the LastReported field is being added to the sorting order. Click-and-drag anywhere on the item (A), then drag to the sorting area (B).

    Adding a New Column

  2. After the change has been made, verify the new field is added.

    New Column Added

  3. Click the Submit button to save the changes.

Removing a Column

Items can be removed from the sort order by using the context-menu and selecting Delete.

  1. In this example, the Severity field is being removed:

    Removing a Column

  2. After the change has been made, verify the selected field is removed.

    Column Removed

  3. Click Submit to save the changes.

Changing the Sorting Direction

Individual columns can be sorted in either an ascending order or descending order. This can be changed by clicking on a column in the Sorting order area.

  1. In this example, the sorting order on the LastReported field is being changed.

    Initial Sorting

  2. After the change has been made, verify the selected field sort order is changed.

    Sorting Changed

  3. Click Submit to save the changes.

Changing the Sorting Order

Items can be reordered in the sort order by click-and-holding on a column, moving the column to the new place, then releasing.

  1. In this example, the Count field is being moved to be after the LastReported field. Click-and-hold on the column (A), then drag to the new place in the sorting area (B).

    Reorder Column

  2. After the change has been made, verify the order is changed.

    Columns changed

  3. Click Submit to save the changes.