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Event Analytics

This section shows you how to install, maintain, and interact with Assure1 Event Analytics. This is recommended for use by trained Assure1 administrators and consultants to plan, execute, and support an Event Analytics deployment.


Assure1 Event Analytics is intended to assist operations in leveraging the past to assist in the future. The goal is to accomplish this task with as much automation as possible. This product line provides a Machine Learning Feedback Loop to take data, process it, analyze it, and alert back into the real-time fault engine for correlation purposes. This document focuses on tracking the product's architecture, integration with Assure1, installation, key maintenance items, and tips/tricks.


This text should be used to educate administrators on the product and how to manage an instance of Assure1 Event Analytics. Federos recommends that you complete the online training portal before implementing this document.


Assure1 Event Analytics requires Assure1 fault management functionality to support real-time fault ingestion. Without data, Assure1 Event Analytics will not be able to function nor provide value. Currently the product only supports fault ingestion from Assure1 fault management.

Product Overview

Assure1 with Event Analytics makes it faster and easier to navigate historical data to determine root causes and document historical things that happened. It leverages Machine Learning to spot real-time event anomalies based on historical knowledge. Anomalies are then injected as Root Causal Events back into Assure1 based on many individual Machine Learning Jobs. Assure1 can finally detect and suppress noise based on the Root Causal Events.


  • Makes it faster to analyze history.

  • Has the system learn from history.

  • Shows root cause anomalies; laser focuses the NOC on actionable events.

  • Suppresses noise; hide the distractions from the NOC.


This section explains the interworking of the product as designed. The components and integration are documented so that administrators understand how data flows throughout the product.

Overview Diagram

Event Analytics Architecture Diagram

The architecture of the product includes leveraging the real-time Assure1 fault data and storage layer as well as the Elasticsearch historical event database. Between them, an aggregator will collect the results from analysis and insert the anomalies as new faults. The Kibana user interface will support reporting of the libraries of analysis jobs.

Key Workflows

The product executes the following key functions to provide its end-to-end functionality:

  1. Devices and systems send faults into the collection servers, where they are processed through rules and normalized.

  2. Events are stored in in the real-time Events database.

  3. The DB stream agent (Elasticsearch Data Importer) takes all new, updated, and deleted event data and copies them to the Historical Elasticsearch Database.

  4. Users interact with the Event List from the Assure1 UI and can manually adjust events (change severity, delete, acknowledge, etc.).

  5. Users interact with the Historical Events from the Kibana UI inside the Assure1 UI either manually, or from context menu tools in the real-time Event List.

  6. Machine Learning Jobs analyze the historical data and determine anomalies.

  7. Elasticsearch Watcher, send anomalies to the WebHook aggregator.

  8. The WebHook Aggregator creates new events indicating the anomalies detected.

  9. Policies in Custom Action Policy Engine (CAPE) process the anomalies to correlate, enrich, and suppress events.

Key Components

The Assure1 Event Analytics product is made up of many Assure1 libraries and components. Each component has its own configuration and documentation within the overall Assure1 product suite. Below are summaries and links to documentation of the key components used for the product.

Elasticsearch Database

The Elasticsearch Database is the new historical fault analytic service. It stores all historical events for a period of time defined by the retention days in Historical Event Rotation. It runs the Machine Learning Jobs and sends notifications about anomalies.


The Kibana web user interface is installed on Assure1 presentation servers and access to the UI is available from the Analytics -> Events options in the navigation bar.

Elasticsearch Data Importer

The Elasticsearch Data Importer is designed to read from MySQL binary logs and insert changes into Elasticsearch.

WebHook Aggregator

This WebHook Aggregator (part of the Collection.Core role) is designed to listen for data POSTed from a remote web application and process the data as a possible real-time fault.

Custom Action Policy Engine (CAPE)

CAPE is designed to listen for specific event based on filters and execute custom actions. The Assure1 Event Analytics product leverages CAPE to provide automation executed on the anomalies as they are detected in real-time.

Installation and Base Configuration

With Assure1 v5, Event Analytics is installed and configured as part of the base product installation. The installation guides for the different server configurations can be reviewed for additional information.

Post Install Actions

Once the AnalyticsWizard setup is complete, you must finish the installation by performing the following steps to complete the core functionality.

Turn on WebHook Alerting

The WebHook Aggregator is designed to catch alerts from Elasticsearch Watcher. You will need to enable the WebHook Aggregator on the specific collection server(s). You will also need to configure the Easticsearch Watcher webhook action to point to the correct host (replacing localhost). On redundant systems, the primary Elasticsearch Database should be configured to the primary WebHook Aggregator, and the redundant/backup Elasticsearch Database should be configured to the redundant/backup WebHook Aggregator.

Turn on Custom Action Policy Engine (CAPE)

Once WebHook alerting is configured, the correlation available out-of-the-box become available. To leverage the correlation policy, you must enable them and the Custom Action Policy Engine.

Enable Machine Learning Policies (Jobs)

With the alerting and correlation engines enabled, you can now turn on the Machine Learning Jobs applicable to your environment and use cases desired.

Once Running Set as Opened & Started


To prepare and plan for the environment prior to installation, the best practice is to execute a scale calculator.


The recommendation is each node can handle up to 2500 events per second per node. Additional nodes can scale this linearly.

Sizing Calculations

  • 1GB data space for each 1M rows of data - start with 20GB

  • 1GB memory for each 5 Machine Learning jobs running - start with 4GB

  • 1 vCPU/core for each 10 Machine Learning jobs running - start with 2 vCPU

  • IO - RAID10/3600 IOPS or better

Standard Hardware Recommendation

  • 4 vCPU (up to 20 Machine Learning jobs)

  • 8GB RAM (up to 20 Machine Learning jobs)

  • 100GB Disk (up to 60M fault records analyzed)

Backup and Restore

Best practices dictate that all data and configurations must be backed up regularly. These backups need to be available, secure, and easily used for restoration. The section covers how to perform a backup and restoration. Elastic fully documents this process via the website below: []


The following command allows you to export data to a file location.

PUT /_snapshot/my_backup
  "type": "fs",
  "settings": {
    "location": "my_backup_location"


The following command loads a backup to a specific index.

POST /_snapshot/my_backup/snapshot_1/_restore
  "indices": "index_1,index_2",
  "ignore_unavailable": true,
  "include_global_state": true
  "rename_pattern": "index_(.+)",
  "rename_replacement": "restored_index_$1"

Automation Policies

As part of Event Analytics, anomalies can be consumed as new real-time events. At this point, those events can be used for a variety of automation. The Assure1 Custom Action Policy Engine (CAPE) leveraged with off-the-shelf policies to perform the encapsulation, correlation, escalation, and/or notification. This section covers the included policy that is leveraged for the product as shipped.

Suppress by Anomaly

This policy executes an RCA correlation action that effectively performs the following functions:

  1. Parse from anomaly the timestamp and influencers (effectively a net).

  2. Find events in the real-time database that are impacted by the anomaly (cast the net).

  3. Suppress/annotate RCA (EventID of anomaly event) for all events found.

Escalate by Anomaly

This policy executes an escalation action (increased severity) that effectively performs the following functions:

  1. Parse from anomaly the timestamp and influencers (effectively a net - i.e. EventKey).

  2. Find events in the real-time database that are impacted by the anomaly (cast the net).

  3. Escalate annotate RCA for all events found. New severity indicated by the anomaly event field, set in webhook aggregator rules.

Notify by Anomaly

This policy executes a notification action that effectively performs the following functions:

  1. Parse from anomaly the email addresses to notify

  2. Execute email (SMTP) notification

  3. Clears anomaly and marks journal that a notification was sent

Tips and Tricks

This section covers commonly used actions for administration with Assure1 Event Analytics. Each subsection will cover independent context.

  • The Kibana Dev Tools allows executing API calls without worrying about authentication or writing custom scripts.