Rules is a standard configuration interface for adding, editing, and removing the rules files used by Assure1 applications.
Refer to the Standard Tree Configuration Interface guide for details on interacting with the grid and form, and there are additional controls that are explained in the Grid Details section below.
This user interface calls REST methods from api/rule/rules.
The UI path for this interface is Configuration -> Rules.
Grid Details¶
Besides the standard controls, this interface also has the following additional options in the button bar:
Branch - If it is necessary, it is possible to create additional branches of the rules files to keep different files separated. This can be useful in a multi-collector environment where each collector monitors a different device zone. This option is only available if a branch has been selected in the interface.
Upload - This control has different actions based on what is selected:
When a folder has been selected, this option allows an easy way to upload a file to the selected folder.
When a file has been selected, this option will overwrite the existing file.
Download - When a file has been selected, this option allows users to download the rules file.
Revert - When a file has been selected, this option allows for files to be reverted to an earlier version of the file.
Diff - When a file has been selected, this option allows users to see the differences between two different versions of the file.
In the main grid, clicking on the black triangle icon next to a collapsed branch/folder will expand that rules branch/folder, showing any children folders and files. Clicking the black triangle icon next to a expanded branch/folder to collapse the branch/folder, hiding those entries.