Workloads is a special interface to review kubernetes workload information. Additional information around the different view types is available via the Kubernetes Workloads documentation.
Refer to the Grid Details section for details on how to interact with the interface.
This user interface calls REST methods from api/microservice/workload.
The UI path for this interface is Configuration -> Microservices -> Workloads.
Grid Details¶
This interface contains the following additional options in the Button Bar to change between different view types:
In the main grid, click on the triangle icon next to a cluster name to expand that entry and show the namespaces that are part of that cluster. Clicking on the triangle again will collapse that cluster.
Click on the triangle icon next to a namespace to expand that entry and show the microservices that are part of that namespace. Clicking on the triangle again will collapse that namespace.
Different view types will include different microservices, and each view type has a specific type of information to display. Different view types will not display all microservices.
Clicking on a microservice to see see additional information in a read-only form. Each microservice also has a button that can be clicked on to view the logs.