Helmcharts is a special interface used to view available microservices and start a new microservice in Assure1.
Refer to the Grid Details section for details on how to interact with the interface.
This user interface calls REST methods from api/microservice/Catalogs.
The UI path for this interface is Configuration -> Microservices -> Helmcharts.
Grid Details¶
Installed - This button can be clicked on and then the user will be redirected to the Installed UI.
Clicking on a microservice will then display additional information about that microservice.
After selecting a microservice, click on the Helmcharts button to return to the list of microservices.
After selecting a microservice, click on the Help button to show the documentation for that specific microservice.
After selecting a microservice, click on the Deploy button to show available configuration options.
Deploy - After the button has been pressed, different settings can be selected:
Cluster - Select which cluster the microservice will be added to.
Namespace - Select which namespace the microservice will be added to.
Release Template Lookup - Select which set of defaults the microservice will use.
Values - Different configuration options can be changed as needed. See the application help for each application to see what settings can be changed.
Changes - After configuration options have been made, changing to this view will show a side-by-side comparison highlighting the differences.
Reset - Click this button to reset any changes.
Deploy Release Name - Enter the name for the microservice.
Start - Click this button to deploy the microservice.