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Metric Text

Form Fields

  • X - The starting X coordinate for the widget.

  • Y - The starting Y coordinate for the widget.

  • Rotation - The rotation of the widget.

  • Prefix Text - The text that will be displayed before the metric data.

  • Suffix Text - The text that will be displayed after the metric data.

  • Text View - Whether to display the raw data or a scaled representation of the data. If set to "Scaled", the diagram checks the "Division" of the metric type, and if set, the metric data will be scaled.

  • Decimal Points - The number of digits to be displayed after the decimal point.

  • Fill Type - The coloring type of the text.

  • Fill Color - If Fill Type is set to "Color", this will be the color of the text.

  • Fill Gradient - If Fill Type is set to "Gradient", this will be the gradient color of the text.

  • Font Name - The font used when displaying the text.

  • Font Size - The size of the text.

  • Text Alignment - The alignment of the text within the widget space.

  • Bold/Italic/Underline - Checkboxes for the bold, italic and underline formatting options.

  • Device Name - The device that has the metric to be displayed.

  • Metric Type - After selecting a device, a list of available metric types will be displayed.

  • Metric Instance - After selecting a device and metric type, a list of available metric instances will be displayed.

  • Data Type - The type of data that the widget will display.

    • Last Availability will show the last availability value for the metric.

    • Average Availability will show the average availability for the metric in the time range selected.

    • Minimum will show the minimum value for the metric in the time range selected.

    • Maximum will show the maximum value for the metric in the time range selected.

    • Summation will show the sum of all values for the metric in the time range selected.

    • Last will show the last value polled for the metric in the time range selected.

    • Average will show the average of all values for the metric in the time range selected.

  • Time Range - The time range to retrieve and display the metric data.

  • Link Type - The various actions that can occur when the widget is clicked on. Options include doing nothing, going back one page, linking to internal or external web sites, linking to a metric graph, linking to the metric details, or linking to another diagram.

  • Link Target - If Link Type is set to link to web sites, the metric graph, the metric details, or another diagram, the new page can be opened in the current tab, a new browser tab, or a new browser window.

  • Link URL - If Link Type is set to link to web sites, this will be the URL of the site.

  • Diagram - If Link Type is set to link to a diagram, this will be the diagram to be opened.

  • Device - If Link Type is set to link to a Dynamic Device diagram, this will be the device that will be used within the diagram.

  • Context Menu - This will be the diagram menu available when context-clicking on the widget.

Widget Properties

Token Description
<WidgetID> SVG Widget identifier
<LinkType> Drill-down link type: 'Diagram', 'DiagramBasic', 'DiagramDynamicDevice', 'ManualInternal', 'ManualExternal'
<LinkTarget> Drill-down link target: 'SameTab', 'NewTab', 'NewWindow'
<LinkDiagramID> Optional Drill-down diagram to open. Only applicable for 'Diagram', 'DiagramBasic', and 'DiagramDynamicDevice' link types
<LinkDeviceID> Optional Drill-down dynamic device diagram to open. Only applicable for 'DiagramDynamicDevice' link type
<LinkURL> Optional Drill-down URL to open. Only applicable for 'ManualInternal' and 'ManualExternal' link types
<X> X point of widget relative to the diagram canvas
<Y> Y point of widget relative to the diagram canvas
<Width> Width of widget in pixels
<Height> Height of widget in pixes
<ScaleX> Scaled X
<ScaleY> Scaled Y
<Rotate> Widget rotation in degrees
<Text> Display text
<MenuID> Associated context menu ID. 0 if no menu
<FontSize> Font size
<FontName> Font family name
<FontBold> Enable bolded text
<FontItalic> Enable italiced text
<FontUnderline> Enable underlined text
<TextAlignment> Text anchor
<FillType> Fill type: 'Empty', Gradient', 'Color'
<FillGradient> Optional fill gradient color in hex notation. Only present for 'Gradient' fill type
<FillColor> Optional fill color in hex notation. Only present for 'Color' fill type
<PrefixText> Prefix Text
<SuffixText> Suffix Text
<DecimalPoints> Decimal Precision
<TextView> Text View
<DataSummary> Data Summary: Average, Minimum, Maximum, Summary
<Theme> Color theme
<DeviceID> Device ID
<MetricTypeID> Metric Type ID
<MetricID> Metric ID
<Period> Metric Period: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly
<ManualPollCycles> Poll Cycles Ago
<ThresholdTypeID> Threshold Type ID
<WarningThresholdID> Warning Threshold ID. 0 if manual
<WarningManualThresholdOperator> Optional Warning manual threshold operator
<WarningManualThresholdValue> Optional Warning manual threshold value
<CriticalThresholdID> Critical Threshold ID. 0 if manual
<CriticalManualThresholdOperator> Optional Critical manual threshold operator
<CriticalManualThresholdValue> Optional Critical manual threshold operator