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Adhoc Graph

The Adhoc Graph dashboard panel is used to display a metric graph within a Dashboard.

Grid Details

Besides the metric data itself, the grid can contain various controls that are specific to displaying and interacting with the data.

  • If the Show Toolbar and Graph State options are enabled, a button bar with the following controls will be displayed:

    • Click 100% to scale the graph so the full range of data can be shown.


      This functionality will only work with metrics that have a "Max" value.

    • Click Logarithmic to change the Y axis from a linear scale to a logarithmic scale.

    • Click Connect Missing to connect the metric data across any missed data.

    • Click Trend to show the trend lines for the metric(s).

    • Click Threshold to show the threshold barriers for the metric(s).

    • Click Abnormal to show the abnormal threshold barriers for the metric(s).

    • Click Details to see the raw metric data for the metric(s).

    • Click on the Time Range picker to retrieve and display a different set of metric data.

Form Fields

  • Panel Name - Name of the panel to be displayed in the panel header.

  • Graph Title - The title that will be put on the graph.

  • Graph State - Whether or not to display a graph with the metric data.

  • Legend State - Whether or not to display the graph legend.

  • Time Range - The time range to retrieve and display the metric data.

  • Trend - Whether or not to display the metric trend.

  • Threshold Lines - Whether or not to display the threshold lines.

  • Stack - This value determines which metrics are stacked on top of each other in the graph.


    The tooltip will still show the individual values.

  • Show Metric Group - If checked, other metrics that are in the same metric group as what was selected will also be included in the graph.

  • Device Metrics - This selector is used to select what metrics are displayed in the panel.

  • Show Toolbar - Whether or not to show the toolbar, which contains the various controls explained above.

  • Width - Limit the panel to a specific percent width of the dashboard, ranging from 0.01 to 1.

  • Hide Header - Whether or not the panel header should be shown.

  • Auto Height - Whether or not the panel should automatically increase in height to show all data available.

  • Height - If Auto Height is not checked, limit the panel to a specific height in pixels.

  • Refresh Rate - The refresh rate in seconds.

Best Practice

  • It is strongly recommended that no more than 10 metrics be selected for graphing at one time. Selecting more can impact browser performance.
