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Display Instances

Display Instances is a standard configuration interface to allow users to manage Display Instances, which can be used to show a custom name for a metric Instance, or for associating a metric Instance on a physical device to a virtual device.

Refer to the Standard Configuration Interface guide for details on interacting with the grid and form.

This user interface calls REST methods from api/metric/displayInstances.

The UI path for this interface is Configuration -> Metrics -> Display Instances.

Form Fields

  • Display

    • Device - Device that will have the custom instance associated to it. It must be the same as the source device or a virtual device.

    • Instance Custom Name - Instance name to be displayed.

  • Source

    • Device - Source device of the metric instance.

    • Metric Instance - Metric instances available for display.

Best Practices

Display instances have some limitations. The possible associations and their validity are listed below.


In the below, a virtual device is one where the Device State is set to "Virtual" in the Devices UI. All other states for a device are then considered to be a "physical" device.

  • Valid associations:

    • If Display -> Device and Source -> Device are the same physical device, the metric Instance is considered to have a custom name, and is what will be used for display purposes in the UI.

    • If Display -> Device is set to a virtual device and Source -> Device is a physical device, the metric instance from the physical device will be displayed for the virtual device.

  • Invalid associations:

    • Source -> Device can never be set to a "Virtual" device.

    • Display -> Device and Source -> Device can not be two different physical devices.

    • If Display -> Device is set to a virtual device, Source -> Device can only be set to the physical device that is set as the parent device.