Calculations is a standard configuration interface to define the handling of the Meta Metrics defined in the Collections interface. These Meta Metrics use Perl-syntax code to do special processing on the metric data. An example of a meta-metric is the creation of a total inbound bandwidth metric, where the metric data for all inbound interfaces is summed up and saved as a separate metric.
Refer to the Standard Configuration Interface guide for details on interacting with the grid and form.
This user interface calls REST methods from api/metric/calculations.
The UI path for this interface is Configuration -> Metrics -> Calculations.
Form Fields¶
Name - The name of the calculation.
Description - The description of the calculation.
Status - The state of the calculation.
Collections - The collections selected here will have the metrics retrieved and be processed by the calculation.
Policy - The Perl based processing logic of the calculation.
Policy Code Toolbar¶
Line Numbers - Toggle on/off line numbers.
Check Syntax - Run Perl syntax checking on content
Search - Search code.
Previous - Previous result for current search.
Next - Next result for current search.
Replace - Search and replace code.
Replace All - Search and replace all in code.
Default Calculations¶
Total Bandwidth Consolidation
$Log->Message('INFO', " -> Total Interface Bandwidth -> Log Received Data:\n" . Dumper($Data) . "\n-------------------\n"); # This is an example consolidation policy. It consolidates the bandwidth on all interfaces on # a device into a single MetricType called "Interface Total Bandwidth". my $DBH = undef; my $MetricTypeID = FindMetricTypeID({ DBH => \$DBH, StorageHash => $MetricHash, Name => "Interface Total Bandwidth", FormatID => 1, Direction => 0, Unit => "Bits Per Second", UnitDivision => 1000, Abbreviation => "b/s", TopNTypeID => 0, TopNScopeID => 0, MetricGroupID => 1, Create => 1 }); my $InstanceName = $Data->{Collection}->{Name}; my $CollectionID = $Data->{Collection}->{ID}; my $DeviceID = 0; my $InstanceID = 0; my $MetricID = 0; my $PollInterval = 0; my $Value = 0; my $Maximum = 0; my $Status = 0; my $PolledTime = 0; my $Error; foreach my $MetricID (keys %{$Data->{'Metrics'}}) { # Exclude 0 Max and unavailable metrics if ((int($Data->{Metrics}->{$MetricID}->{Maximum}) > 0) && (int($Data->{Metrics}->{$MetricID}->{State}) > 0)) { $Value += $Data->{Metrics}->{$MetricID}->{Value}; $Maximum += $Data->{Metrics}->{$MetricID}->{Maximum}; $DeviceID = $Data->{Metrics}->{$MetricID}->{DeviceID}; $PollInterval = $Data->{Metrics}->{$MetricID}->{PollTime}; $PolledTime = $Data->{Metrics}->{$MetricID}->{Time}; $Status = 1; } } # DeviceID set based on metrics if (int($DeviceID) == 0) { $Log->Message('ERROR', " -> Total Interface Bandwidth -> Missing DeviceID for Collection [$InstanceName]."); } else { # Find InstanceID $InstanceID = FindInstanceID({ DBH => \$DBH, StorageHash => $MetricHash, Name => $InstanceName, DeviceID => $DeviceID, TypeID => 0, Create => 1 }); if (int($InstanceID) == 0) { $Log->Message('ERROR', " -> Total Interface Bandwidth -> Missing InstanceID for Collection [$InstanceName] on DeviceID=[$DeviceID]."); } else { # Find MetricID $MetricID = FindMetricID({ DBH => \$DBH, StorageHash => $MetricHash, DeviceID => $DeviceID, InstanceID => $InstanceID, MetricTypeID => $MetricTypeID, Factor => 1, Max => $Maximum, PollInterval => $PollInterval, Create => 1 }); if (int($MetricID) > 0) { # Store Metric Value $DataQueue->enqueue($MetricID . ':' . $Value . ':' . $Status . ':' . $PolledTime); } } }