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The Topology Graph dashboard panel is an Assure1 default dashboard panel used for displaying a graphical representation of the selected vertices and edges.

Form Fields

  • Graph

    • Panel Name - The name of the panel to be displayed in the panel header.

    • Graph Type - The type determines the source of the graph.

      • Vertex - Build the graph based on a vertex selections. It may go from a starting vertex to an ending vertex or a certain number of hops. It may also build based on chosen vertex properties.
      • Edge - Build the graph based on edge selections.
      • API - Build the graph based on a custom API.
    • Filter By - Determines how the graph is completed - a list of vertices and edges, or a collection of properties.

    • Start - If Vertex List is chosen, the Start field allows filtering by vertex types, and the choice of the start vertex.

    • End - If Vertex List is chosen, the End will either be a number of Hops, or Vertex. The Vertex allows filtering by vertex types, and the choice of the end vertex.

    • Vertex Types - If Vertex Property is chosen, one or more vertex types to be included in the Property-based graph. It defaults to include all types, but it can be narrowed down to specific types.

    • Property - If Vertex Property is chosen, one vertex property to be included in the Property-based graph.

    • Property Values - If Vertex Property is chosen, one vertex property value to be included in the Property-based graph.

    • Edge Types - If Edge Property is chosen, one or more edge types to be included in the Property-based graph. It defaults to include all types, but it can be narrowed down to specific types.

    • Property - If Edge Property is chosen, one edge property to be included in the Property-based graph.

    • Property Values - If Edge Property is chosen, one edge property value to be included in the Property-based graph.

    • Data Source - If API is chosen, the path to the API. The path runs from the base Assure1 installation to the API function. Static parameters are passed to the API like any other URL parameter: ParameterName=ParameterValue. Dynamic parameter values should be wrapped in less than / greater than symbols: ParameterName=\<ParameterValue>.

    • Group By - Choose one or more vertex types as parents. All children will be tucked inside the parent.

    • Tuck Away - Choose one or more vertex types as children. All children will be tucked inside the parent.

  • View

    • Edge Types - Specify which edge types will be included in the graph. The default is to include all.

    • Node Type - Basic nodes do not get any additional information such as availability, metric threshold state, or event criticality. Active nodes get all additional information.

    • Initial Menu - The vertex context menu to use.

    • Geo Map - The source of the geographical map to use for the graph background.

    • Tile Server - The location of a custom tile server. This is used if Geo Map is set to custom.

  • Layout

    • Type - The initial layout scheme to use. A brief description of each type is below.

      • Concentric - This layout takes a base node as parameter and organizes the graph so the nodes close to the selected node are close to it spatially.

        • Advanced Configuration

          • Text Size - The size of the node and edge text in pixels.
          • Text Color - The color of the node and edge text. There are separate colors for light and dark themes.
          • Text Background - The node label background may be set to transparent or a specific color. There are separate colors for light and dark themes.
          • Label Length - The number of characters a vertex label will display by default. Anything beyond that length will be truncated unless the node is selected.
      • Force - This layout uses defined forces to attract or repel vertices from each other.

        • Advanced Configuration

          • Text Size - The size of the node and edge text in pixels.
          • Text Color - The color of the node and edge text. There are separate colors for light and dark themes.
          • Text Background - The node label background may be set to transparent or a specific color. There are separate colors for light and dark themes.
          • Label Length - The number of characters a vertex label will display by default. Anything beyond that length will be truncated unless the node is selected.
          • Charge - Distance factor between nodes. A greater value increases the distance.
          • Elasticity - Node collision elasticity. Smaller values may result in incomplete node overlap removal. Passing 0 will skip that algorithm pass altogether.
          • Edge Strength - Attraction strength. Higher values make edges' attractive force stronger.
          • Gravity - Force that attracts nodes to the center of the graph. Center is either the mass center of the graph or the value defined by cx and cy. Greater value makes the layout more compact.
      • Grid - This layout arranges the vertices in a grid of rows and columns.

        • Advanced Configuration

          • Text Size - The size of the node and edge text in pixels.
          • Text Color - The color of the node and edge text. There are separate colors for light and dark themes.
          • Text Background - The node label background may be set to transparent or a specific color. There are separate colors for light and dark themes.
          • Label Length - The number of characters a vertex label will display by default. Anything beyond that length will be truncated unless the node is selected.
      • Hierarchy - This layout positions nodes starting from a root node downwards generating a visual hierarchy based on connectivity.

        • Advanced Configuration

          • Text Size - The size of the node and edge text in pixels.
          • Text Color - The color of the node and edge text. There are separate colors for light and dark themes.
          • Text Background - The node label background may be set to transparent or a specific color. There are separate colors for light and dark themes.
          • Label Length - The number of characters a vertex label will display by default. Anything beyond that length will be truncated unless the node is selected.
          • Direction - The direction the graph will flow.
          • Level Distance - Desired distance between the layers of layout.
          • Node Distance - Desired distance between the nodes on one layer.
      • Radial - This layout positions nodes around the selected one based on their graph-theoretical distance (shortest path in the graph, connecting them). If there are subgraphs or nodes not reachable from the central node, they will be pushed outwards, but still placed around the layout in a readable way.

        • Advanced Configuration

          • Text Size - The size of the node and edge text in pixels.
          • Text Color - The color of the node and edge text. There are separate colors for light and dark themes.
          • Text Background - The node label background may be set to transparent or a specific color. There are separate colors for light and dark themes.
          • Label Length - The number of characters a vertex label will display by default. Anything beyond that length will be truncated unless the node is selected.
          • Repulsion - Increase or decrease the repulsion force between the nodes on the same levels. Values smaller than 1 will result in more compact placement along the layers.
      • Geographic Map - This layout uses a geograph map as the background and places the nodes at their specified latitude and longitude.

        • Advanced Configuration

          • Text Size - The size of the node and edge text in pixels.
          • Text Color - The color of the node and edge text. There are separate colors for light and dark themes.
          • Text Background - The node label background may be set to transparent or a specific color. There are separate colors for light and dark themes.
          • Label Length - The number of characters a vertex label will display by default. Anything beyond that length will be truncated unless the node is selected.
  • Display

    • Hide Header - Whether the panel header should be shown.

    • Strip Domain - Whether to show the domain name on the node label.

    • Width - Limit the panel to a specific percent width of the dashboard, ranging from 10 to 100.

    • Auto Height - Whether the panel should automatically increase in height to show all data available.

    • Height - If Auto Height is not checked, limit the panel to a specific height in pixels.

    • Refresh Rate - Time in seconds between updates for the node details. The default is blank, which indicates no refresh.
