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Filter Groups

Filter Groups is a standard configuration interface for adding, editing, and removing event filter groups. Filter groups provide two broad functions.

  • They defines the availability of the member filters, including allowing Filter Groups to be made public to the User Group or restricted to a User.

  • They provide a baseline set of filtering. This filtering will be applied to all filters which belong in the Filter Group, and also to the set of Events that a user can see when the user's Restrictive Event Filter Group is set to the Filter Group.

Hierarchies of Filter Groups can be created through the establishment of parent and children groups. At the top level of the hierarchy, there is a single group (Global) which contains all of the Filter Groups created. Subgroups or children can be created off the main level. Additional child groups can be created within each subgroup to categorize filters within groups, thus creating a hierarchical structure.

Refer to the Standard Tree Configuration Interface guide for details on interacting with the grid and form.

This user interface calls REST methods from api/event/filterGroups.

The UI path for this interface is Configuration -> Events -> Filter Groups.

Form Fields

  • Filter Group Name - The name of the filter group.

  • Filter Group User Owner - Defines the user that owns the filter group.

  • Filter Group Group Owner - Defines the user group that owns the filter group.

  • Restriction Filter - Defines an additional clause that is applied to all filters in the group. The clause will be appended to any filter that is selected from within the group. The text must be valid in an SQL "WHERE" clause.

  • Filters - This section determines which filters are in the group.

  • Remove from other groups - If checked, filters that are in the group will be removed from all others.


As an example configuration, say filter "ExampleFilter1" has been created with the following as the filter clause:


ExampleFilter1 is then added to two filter groups:

  • The "Global" group (which by default, does not have a restriction filter).

  • Added to a child of the "Global" group called "ExampleFilterGroup1", which has a restriction filter of "LastReported > (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - 86400)".

When the filter is selected from the "Global" group by navigating to Events navigation pane, expanding Filters by Group: Global, then selecting ExampleFilter1, the resulting filter is just:


However, if the filter is selected from inside the ExampleFilterGroup1 group by navigating to Events navigation pane, expanding the Filters by Group: Global, expanding the ExampleFilterGroup1 group, then selecting ExampleFilter1, the resulting filter is:

Node='abc' AND LastReported > (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - 86400)


Default Filter Group

  • Global