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Basic Rectangle

Form Fields

  • X - The starting X coordinate for the widget.

  • Y - The starting Y coordinate for the widget.

  • Width - The overall width of the widget.

  • Height - The overall height of the widget.

  • Rotation - The rotation of the widget.

  • Rounded Corners - Rectangle widgets can have rounded corners instead of sharp 90 degree corners. The amount of rounding of the corners depends on the overall widget size, and a larger widget may need a larger value in this field.

  • Stroke Width - The width of the border around the widget.

  • Stroke Type - The coloring type of the border around the widget.

  • Stroke Color - If Stroke Type is set to Color, this will be thecolor of the border around the widget.

  • Stroke Gradient - If Stroke Type is set to Gradient, this will be the gradient color of the border around the widget.

  • Fill Type - The coloring type of the widget.

  • Fill Color - If Fill Type is set to Color, this will be the color of the widget.

  • Fill Gradient - If Fill Type is set to "Gradient", this will be the gradient color widget.

  • Link Type - The various actions that can occur when the widget is clicked on. Options include doing nothing, going back one page, linking to internal or external web sites, or linking to another diagram.

  • Link Target - If Link Type is set to link to web sites or another diagram, the new page can be opened in the current tab, a new browser tab, or a new browser window.

  • Link URL - If Link Type is set to link to web sites, this will be the URL of the site.

  • Diagram - If Link Type is set to link to a diagram, this will be the diagram to be opened.

  • Device - If Link Type is set to link to a Dynamic Device diagram, this will be the device that will be used within the diagram.

  • Context Menu - This will be the diagram menu available when context-clicking on the widget.

Widget Properties

Token Description
<WidgetID> SVG Widget identifier
<LinkType> Drill-down link type: 'Diagram', 'DiagramBasic', 'DiagramDynamicDevice', 'ManualInternal', 'ManualExternal'
<LinkTarget> Drill-down link target: 'SameTab', 'NewTab', 'NewWindow'
<LinkDiagramID> Optional Drill-down diagram to open. Only applicable for 'Diagram', 'DiagramBasic', and 'DiagramDynamicDevice' link types
<LinkDeviceID> Optional Drill-down dynamic device diagram to open. Only applicable for 'DiagramDynamicDevice' link type
<LinkURL> Optional Drill-down URL to open. Only applicable for 'ManualInternal' and 'ManualExternal' link types
<X> X point of widget relative to the diagram canvas
<Y> Y point of widget relative to the diagram canvas
<Width> Widgth of widget in pixels
<Height> Height of widget in pixes
<ScaleX> Scaled X
<ScaleY> Scaled Y
<Rotate> Widget rotation in degrees
<StrokeWidth> Strokewidth
<MenuID> Associated context menu ID. 0 if no menu
<RoundedCorners> If corners should be rounded
<StrokeType> Stroke type: 'Empty', Gradient', 'Color'
<StrokeGradient> Optional fill gradient color in hex notation. Only present for 'Gradient' fill type stroke gradient color in hex notation. Only present for 'Gradient' stroke type
<StrokeColor> Optional stroke color in hex notation. Only present for 'Color' stroke type
<FillType> Fill type:'Empty', Gradient', 'Color'
<FillGradient> Optional fill gradient color in hex notation. Only present for 'Gradient' fill type
<FillColor> Optional fill color in hex notation. Only present for 'Color' fill type
