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The Chart dashboard panel is used for displaying a graphical chart from any data source. Chart types include:

  • Area

  • Areaspline

  • Bar

  • Column

  • Line

  • Pie

  • Spline

Data sources can come from database queries or AJAX calls.

Form Fields

  • Panel Name - Name of the panel to be displayed in the panel header.

  • Title - The title of the chart, centered at the top.

  • Subtitle - The subtitle of the chart, center at the top below the title.

  • Chart Type - The type of chart from the available list of line, spline, area, areaspline, bar, column, pie.

  • X-Axis Type - The type of the x-axis can be category for most cases or timeseries when the category is in epoch time.

  • Stacking - Whether to show additional series of data stacked on top of the previous series.

  • Legend - Whether to show the legend at the bottom of the chart or not.

  • Extra Config - Extra HighCharts configuration that will be merged into the final configuration. Refer to the HighCharts documentation for additional details.

  • Source - The source of the data for the chart can be Database for an Assure1 database query, or AJAX for a local script that processes it's own data and returns JSON.

  • Database Query - The existing database query saved in the system.

  • AJAX URL - The absolute URL path to the script that returns JSON data on the local server.

  • Category Field - The field in the JSON response that defines the category on the x-axis.

  • Value Field - The field in the JSON response that defines the value on the y-axis.

  • Series Field - The field in the JSON response that uniquely identifies the series for the category and value. Only one series can be defined for pie charts.

  • Meta Field - The field in the JSON response that allows additional data to be added to the series or point.

  • Hide Header - Whether or not the panel header should be shown.

  • Width - Limit the panel to a specific percent width of the dashboard, ranging from 0.01 to 1.

  • Height - If Auto Height is not checked, limit the panel to a specific height in pixels.

  • Refresh Rate - The default chart refresh rate in seconds.


Example 1

Create a query to return real-time event data for a line, area, bar, or column chart.


  1. Go to the Queries UI: Configuration -> Databases -> Queries

  2. Click on the Add button, then set the following:

    1. Query Name => Real-time Event Counts by Severity

    2. Schema => Event

    3. ShardID => 1

    4. Query User Owner => [Public to All Users In Group]

    5. Query Group Owner => [Public to All Groups]

    6. Query =>

        SELECT ELT(Severity + 1, 'Normal', 'Unknown', 'Info', 'Minor', 'Major', 'Critical')                                                                                      AS Severity, 
               ELT(Severity + 1, '{"color":"\#66E066"}', '{"color":"\#D088F4"}', '{"color":"\#A1D3FE"}', '{"color":"\#FEFE66"}', '{"color":"\#FED07E"}', '{"color":"\#FE6666"}') AS Meta,
               DAYNAME(FROM_UNIXTIME(FirstReported))                                                                                                                             AS Day, 
               SUM(Count)                                                                                                                                                        AS Count 
          FROM Events
      GROUP BY Severity,
      ORDER BY Severity,
    7. Click "Submit" to save the query.

  3. Go to the Dashboards UI: Configuration -> Dashboards -> Dashboards

  4. Click on the Add button, then set the following:

    1. Dashboard Name => Real-time Event Counts by Severity

    2. Query User Owner => [Public to All Users In Group]

    3. Query Group Owner => [Public to All Groups]

    4. In the New Dashboard area, click in the Click here to add panel box, then select "Add Panel -> Chart", then click on the Configure Panel button. Set the following:

      1. Panel Name => Events

      2. Database Query => Real-time Event Counts by Severity

      3. Category Field => Day

      4. Value Field => Count

      5. Series Field => Severity

      6. Meta Field => Meta

      7. Click the View button to save the panel settings.

    5. Click Submit button to save the dashboard.

Example 2

Create a query to return real-time event data for a pie chart.


  1. Go to the Queries UI: Configuration -> Databases -> Queries

  2. Click on the Add button, then set the following:

    1. Query Name => Real-time Event Counts for Pie

    2. Schema => Event

    3. ShardID => 1

    4. Query User Owner => [Public to All Users In Group]

    5. Query Group Owner => [Public to All Groups]

    6. Query =>

             'Alarm Count'                    AS Name,
             SUM(Count)                       AS Count
        FROM Events
    7. Click "Submit" to save the query.

  3. Go to the Dashboards UI: Configuration -> Dashboards -> Dashboards

  4. Click on the Add button, then set the following:

    1. Dashboard Name => Real-time Event Counts for Pie

    2. Query User Owner => [Public to All Users In Group]

    3. Query Group Owner => [Public to All Groups]

    4. In the New Dashboard area, click in the Click here to add panel box, then select "Add Panel -> Chart", then click on the Configure Panel button. Set the following:

      1. Panel Name => Events

      2. Chart Type => Pie

      3. Database Query => Real-time Event Counts for Pie

      4. Category Field => Day

      5. Value Field => Count

      6. Series Field => Name

      7. Click the View button to save the panel settings.

    5. Click Submit button to save the dashboard.
