Assure1::SLM Perl library¶
Implements functions for manipulating SLM Services, SLM Filters, and SLM Metrics.
use Assure1::SLM;
Convenience function to CloneObjectID that clones a SLM Filter object specifically
DBH -> Assure1 Database Handle Reference (i.e. \$DBH)
NDB -> Neo4j Database Handle Reference (i.e. \$NDB)
Config -> Assure1 Config handle (i.e. $Config)
Log -> Assure1 Log handle (i.e. $Log)
StorageHash -> Cache (i.e. $StorageHash)
SLMFilterID -> ServiceID to clone
SLMFilter -> New SLM Filter Definition containing new Name (required) and other optional filter related properties.
See CreateSLMEventFilter for list of supported properties.
If a supported property is not given it defaults to the value from the original service.
1. ErrorFlag (0 Good, 1 Bad)
2. Message (String)
3. SLM Filter ID (Integer) or undef if error
my ($ErrorFlag, $Message, $SLMFilterID) = CloneSLMFilter({
DBH => \$DBH,
Config => $Config,
Log => $Log,
StorageHash => $StorageHash,
SLMFilterID => 1,
SLMFilter => {
Name => "My New SLM Filter",
EventID => 2
if (!$SLMFilterID) {
$Log->Message('ERROR', "Error Cloning SLM Filter: $Message");
my $SLMFilterID = CloneSLMFilter({
DBH => \$DBH,
Config => $Config,
Log => $Log,
StorageHash => $StorageHash,
SLMFilterID => 1,
SLMFilter => {
Name => "My New SLM Filter",
EventID => 2
if (!$SLMFilterID) {
$Log->Message('ERROR', "Error Cloning SLM Filter");
Convenience function to CloneVertexID that clones a SLM Metric vertex specifically
ODB -> Orient Database Handle Reference (i.e. \$ODB)
NDB -> Neo4j Database Handle Reference (i.e. \$NDB)
Config -> Assure1 Config handle (i.e. $Config)
Log -> Assure1 Log handle (i.e. $Log)
StorageHash -> Cache (i.e. $StorageHash)
SLMMetricID -> ServiceID to clone
SLMMetric -> New SLM Metric Definition containing new Name (required) and other optional metric related properties.
See CreateSLMMetric for list of supported properties.
If a supported property is not given it defaults to the value from the original service.
1. ErrorFlag (0 Good, 1 Bad)
2. Message (String)
3. SLM Metric ID (String)
my ($ErrorFlag, $Message, $SLMMetricID) = CloneSLMMetric({
DBH => \$DBH,
Config => $Config,
Log => $Log,
StorageHash => $StorageHash,
SLMMetricID => 1,
SLMMetric => {
Name => "My New SLM Metric",
ThresholdID => 1
if (!$SLMMetricID) {
$Log->Message('ERROR', "Error Cloning SLM Metric: $Message");
my $SLMFilterID = CloneSLMMetric({
DBH => \$DBH,
Config => $Config,
Log => $Log,
StorageHash => $StorageHash,
SLMMetricID => 1,
SLMMetric => {
Name => "My New SLM Metric",
ThresholdID => 1
if (!$SLMMetricID) {
$Log->Message('ERROR', "Error Cloning SLM Metric");
Convenience function to CloneObjectID that clones a service object specifically or linked service tree all at once. Returns a hash of any newly created objects which contain references to their directional children & depths
DBH -> Assure1 Database Handle Reference (i.e. \$DBH)
NDB -> Neo4j Database Handle Reference (i.e. \$NDB)
Config -> Assure1 Config handle (i.e. $Config)
Log -> Assure1 Log handle (i.e. $Log)
StorageHash -> Cache (i.e. $StorageHash)
ServiceID -> ServiceID to clone
CloneTree -> Indicate whether to clone directionally linked objects of ServiceID as well (0=single, 1=tree)
NOTE: children objects cannot be modified during tree clone, and does not support circular linking
Service -> New Service Definition containing new Name (required) and other optional service related properties.
See CreateSLMService for list of supported properties.
If a supported property is not given it defaults to the value from the original service.
1. ErrorFlag (0 Good, 1 Bad)
2. Message (String)
3. TopServiceID (String)
my ($ErrorFlag, $Message, $TopServiceID) = CloneSLMService({
DBH => \$DBH,
Config => $Config,
Log => $Log,
StorageHash => $StorageHash,
ServiceID => 1,
CloneTree => 1,
Service => {
Name => "My New Service",
PollTime => 300
if (!$TopServiceID) {
$Log->Message('ERROR', "Error Cloning Object Tree: $Message");
my $TopServiceID = CloneSLMService({
DBH => \$DBH,
Config => $Config,
Log => $Log,
StorageHash => $StorageHash,
ServiceID => 1,
CloneTree => 1,
Service => {
Name => "My New Service",
PollTime => 300
if (!$TopServiceID) {
$Log->Message('ERROR', "Error Cloning Object Tree");
Creates an SLM Filter vertex and returns the new ID. If already existing, returns an error.
DBH -> Assure1 Database Handle Reference (i.e. \$DBH)
ODB -> Orient Database Handle Reference (i.e. \$ODB)
NDB -> Neo4j Database Handle Reference (i.e. \$NDB)
Config -> Assure1 Config handle (i.e. $Config)
Log -> Assure1 Log handle (i.e. $Log)
StorageHash -> Cache (i.e. $StorageHash)
ParentID -> Parent Service ID
Name -> SLM Filter name
Field -> Exact Event field name to calculate threshold against e.g. EventID
Metric -> Aggregation for threshold field (valid values: 'AVG', 'COUNT', 'MAX', 'MIN', 'SUM')
Operator -> Threshold operator (valid values: '=', '!=', '>', '>=', '<', '<=')
Value -> Threshold value
Weight -> Weight to apply to violations bubbled up to parent from this SLM Filter (recommended=1)
WhereClause -> (optional) Where Clause for matching events e.g. Severity = 5. (NOTE: an empty WhereClause is usually not desireable since it matches ALL events)
OwnerUserID -> (optional) Owner user ID or 0 for 'Public to All Users in Group' (defaults to 0)
OwnerUserGroupID -> (optional) Owner user group ID or 0 for 'Public to All Groups' (defaults to 0)
StatusID -> (optional) Status: 0=disabled, 1=enabled (defaults to 1)
1. ErrorFlag (0 Good, 1 Bad)
2. Message (String)
3. SLM Filter ID (String)
my ($ErrorFlag, $Message, $SLMFilterID) = CreateSLMEventFilter({
DBH => \$DBH,
ODB => \$ODB,
Config => $Config,
Log => $Log,
StorageHash => $StorageHash,
ParentID => $ParentServiceID,
Name => "My SLM Filter",
Field => "EventID",
Metric => "COUNT",
Operator => ">",
Value => "0",
Weight => 1,
WhereClause => "Severity = 5",
StatusID => 1
if (!$SLMFilterID) {
$Log->Message('ERROR', "Error Creating SLM Filter: $Message");
my $SLMFilterID = CreateSLMEventFilter({
DBH => \$DBH,
ODB => \$ODB,
Config => $Config,
Log => $Log,
StorageHash => $StorageHash,
ParentID => $ParentServiceID,
Name => "My SLM Filter",
Field => "EventID",
Metric => "COUNT",
Operator => ">",
Value => "0",
Weight => 1,
WhereClause => "Severity = 5",
StatusID => 1
if (!$SLMFilterID) {
$Log->Message('ERROR', "Error Creating SLM Filter");
Creates an SLM Metric vertex with appropriate properties and returns the new ID. If alreaady existing, returns an error
DBH -> Assure1 Database Handle Reference (i.e. \$DBH)
ODB -> Orient Database Handle Reference (i.e. \$ODB)
NDB -> Neo4j Database Handle Reference (i.e. \$NDB)
Config -> Assure1 Config handle (i.e. $Config)
Log -> Assure1 Log handle (i.e. $Log)
StorageHash -> Cache (i.e. $StorageHash)
ParentID -> Parent Service ID
Name -> SLM Metric name
MetricID -> MetricID to monitor
ThresholdType -> Threshold type valid values: Avail, Util, Value
ThresholdID -> (optional if Operator & Value specified) ThresholdID to associate or 0 for manual (defaults to 0)
Operator -> (optional if ThresholdID specified) Manual threshold operator (valid values: '=', '!=', '>', '>=', '<', '<=')
Value -> (optional if ThresholdID specified) Manual threshold value
Weight -> Weight to apply to violations bubbled up to parent (recommended=1)
WindowStatusID -> (optional) Enable Maintenance Window support: 0=disabled, 1=enabled (defaults to 1)
OwnerUserID -> (optional) Owner user ID or 0 for 'Public to All Users in Group' (defaults to 0)
OwnerUserGroupID -> (optional) Owner user group ID or 0 for 'Public to All Groups' (defaults to 0)
StatusID -> (optional) Status: 0=disabled, 1=enabled (defaults to 1)
Notify -> (optional) Enable notifications: 0=disabled, 1=enabled (defaults to 0)
NotifyEmail -> (optional) Notify email addresses
NotifyMessage -> (ignored if Notify disabled optional if ThresholdID given) Notify Message (replaces $MESSAGE in template) (defaults to ThresholdID's if given)
NotifyProfileID -> (ignored if Notify disabled optional if ThresholdID given) Notify profile to use to send (defaults to ThresholdID's if given)
NotifyTemplateID -> (ignored if Notify disabled optional if ThresholdID given) Notify template to send (defaults to ThresholdID's if given)
TimeFilterStatusID -> (optional) Enables time filtering: -1=all except, 0=disabled, 1=enabled (defaults to 0)
TimeFilterStartDayID -> (ignored if TimeFilterStatusID disabled) start day ID (0=Sunday)
TimeFilterStopDayID -> (ignored if TimeFilterStatusID disabled) end day ID (0=Sunday)
TimeFilterStartHourID -> (ignored if TimeFilterStatusID disabled) starting 24 hour ID (-1=All day)
TimeFilterStopHourID -> (ignored if TimeFilterStatusID disabled) ending 24 hour ID
1. ErrorFlag (0 Good, 1 Bad)
2. Message (String)
3. SLM Metric ID (String)
my ($ErrorFlag, $Message, $SLMMetricID) = CreateSLMMetric({
DBH => \$DBH,
ODB => \$ODB,
Config => $Config,
Log => $Log,
StorageHash => $StorageHash,
ParentID => $ParentServiceID,
Name => "My SLM Metric",
MetricID => $MetricID,
ThresholdType => 'Util',
ThresholdID => $ThresholdID,
Weight => 1,
StatusID => 1,
Notify => 1
if (!$SLMMetricID) {
$Log->Message('ERROR', "Error Creating SLM Metric: $Message");
my $SLMMetricID = CreateSLMMetric({
DBH => \$DBH,
ODB => \$ODB,
Config => $Config,
Log => $Log,
StorageHash => $StorageHash,
ParentID => $ParentServiceID,
Name => "My SLM Metric",
MetricID => $MetricID,
ThresholdType => 'Util',
ThresholdID => $ThresholdID,
Weight => 1,
StatusID => 1,
Notify => 1
if (!$SLMMetricID) {
$Log->Message('ERROR', "Error Creating SLM Metric");
Creates a Service vertex with appropriate properties and returns the new ID. If already existing, returns an error
DBH -> Assure1 Database Handle Reference (i.e. \$DBH)
ODB -> Orient Database Handle Reference (i.e. \$ODB)
NDB -> Neo4j Database Handle Reference (i.e. \$NDB)
Config -> Assure1 Config handle (i.e. $Config)
Log -> Assure1 Log handle (i.e. $Log)
StorageHash -> Cache (i.e. $StorageHash)
ParentID -> (optional) Parent Service ID or 0 for [Root] (defaults to 0)
Name -> SLM Metric name
Weight -> Weight to apply to violations bubbled up to parent (defaults to 1)
OwnerUserID -> (optional) Owner user ID or 0 for 'Public to All Users in Group' (defaults to 0)
OwnerUserGroupID -> (optional) Owner user group ID or 0 for 'Public to All Groups' (defaults to 0)
StatusID -> (optional) Status: 0=disabled, 1=enabled (defaults to 1)
MetaEventID -> Meta Event id to send on event-side threshold violations or 0 for none
EventOperator -> Threshold operator (valid values: '=', '!=', '>', '>=', '<', '<=')
EventValue -> Threshold value in percentage
PollTime -> Time in seconds for service to be calculated by SLM Metric Collector
GaugeViewID -> (optional) Gague display type. 1 for Linear, 2 for Logarithmic (defaults to 1)
WarningThresholdID -> (optional if WarningOperator & WarningValue specified) Warning ThresholdID to associate or 0 for manual, -1 for none (defaults to 0)
WarningOperator -> (optional if WarningThresholdID specified) Manual warning threshold operator (valid values: '=', '!=', '>', '>=', '<', '<=')
WarningValue -> (optional if WarningThresholdID specified) Manual warning threshold value
CriticalThresholdID -> (optional if CriticalOperator & CriticalValue specified) Critical ThresholdID to associate or 0 for manual (defaults to 0)
CriticalOperator -> (optional if CriticalThresholdID specified) Manual critical threshold operator (valid values: '=', '!=', '>', '>=', '<', '<=')
CriticalValue -> (optional if CriticalThresholdID specified) Manual critical threshold value in percentage
Notify -> (optional) Enable notifications: 0=disabled, 1=enabled (defaults to 0)
NotifyEmail -> (optional) Notify email addresses
NotifyMessage -> (ignored if Notify disabled optional if ThresholdID given) Notify Message (replaces $MESSAGE in template) (defaults to ThresholdID's if given)
NotifyProfileID -> (ignored if Notify disabled optional if ThresholdID given) Notify profile to use to send (defaults to ThresholdID's if given)
NotifyTemplateID -> (ignored if Notify disabled optional if ThresholdID given) Notify template to send (defaults to ThresholdID's if given)
1. ErrorFlag (0 Good, 1 Bad)
2. Message (String)
3. Service ID (String)
my ($ErrorFlag, $Message, $ServiceID) = CreateSLMService({
DBH => \$DBH,
ODB => \$ODB,
Config => $Config,
Log => $Log,
StorageHash => $StorageHash,
ParentID => $ParentServiceID,
Name => "My Sub Service",
Weight => 1,
StatusID => 1,
Notify => 1,
# Event
MetaEventID => $MetaEventID,
EventOperator => '<',
EventValue => '80',
# Metric:
PollTime => 300,
WarningThresholdID => -1,
CriticalThresholdID => $ThresholdID,
GagueViewID => 2
if (!$ServiceID) {
$Log->Message('ERROR', "Error Creating Service: $Message");
my $ServiceID = CreateSLMService({
DBH => \$DBH,
ODB => \$ODB,
Config => $Config,
Log => $Log,
StorageHash => $StorageHash,
ParentID => $ParentServiceID,
Name => "My Sub Service",
Weight => 1,
StatusID => 1,
Notify => 1,
# Event
MetaEventID => $MetaEventID,
EventOperator => '<',
EventValue => '80',
# Metric:
PollTime => 300,
WarningThresholdID => -1,
CriticalThresholdID => $ThresholdID,
GagueViewID => 2
if (!$ServiceID) {
$Log->Message('ERROR', "Error Creating Service");
Convenience function to DeleteVertexID. Delete an SLM Filter ID.
DBH -> Assure1 Database Handle Reference (i.e. \$DBH)
ODB -> Orient Database Handle Reference (i.e. \$ODB)
NDB -> Neo4j Database Handle Reference (i.e. \$NDB)
Config -> Assure1 Config handle (i.e. $Config)
Log -> Assure1 Log handle (i.e. $Log)
StorageHash -> Cache (i.e. $StorageHash)
ID -> SLM Filter ID to delete
1. ErrorFlag (0 Good, 1 Bad)
2. Message (String)
my ($ErrorFlag, $Message) = DeleteSLMFilter({
DBH => \$DBH,
ODB => \$ODB,
Config => $Config,
Log => $Log,
StorageHash => $StorageHash,
ID => $SLMFilterID
if ($ErrorFlag) {
$Log->Message('ERROR', "Error Deleting SLM Filter: $Message");
Convenience function to DeleteVertexID. Delete an SLM Metric ID.
ODB -> Orient Database Handle Reference (i.e. \$ODB)
NDB -> Neo4j Database Handle Reference (i.e. \$NDB)
Config -> Assure1 Config handle (i.e. $Config)
Log -> Assure1 Log handle (i.e. $Log)
StorageHash -> Cache (i.e. $StorageHash)
ID -> SLM Metric ID to delete
1. ErrorFlag (0 Good, 1 Bad)
2. Message (String)
my ($ErrorFlag, $Message) = DeleteSLMMetric({
ODB => \$ODB,
Config => $Config,
Log => $Log,
StorageHash => $StorageHash,
ID => $SLMMetricID
if ($ErrorFlag) {
$Log->Message('ERROR', "Error Deleting SLM Metric: $Message");
Convenience function to DeleteVertexID. Delete an SLM Service ID.
ODB -> Orient Database Handle Reference (i.e. \$ODB)
NDB -> Neo4j Database Handle Reference (i.e. \$NDB)
DBH -> Assure1 Database Handle Reference (i.e. \$DBH)
Config -> Assure1 Config handle (i.e. $Config)
Log -> Assure1 Log handle (i.e. $Log)
StorageHash -> Cache (i.e. $StorageHash)
ID -> SLM Service ID to delete
1. ErrorFlag (0 Good, 1 Bad)
2. Message (String)
my ($ErrorFlag, $Message) = DeleteSLMService({
ODB => \$ODB,
DBH => \$DBH,
Config => $Config,
Log => $Log,
StorageHash => $StorageHash,
ID => $SLMServiceID
if ($ErrorFlag) {
$Log->Message('ERROR', "Error Deleting SLM Service: $Message");
Convenience function to FindVertexID for SLM Filter vertex with Create = 0. Finds an SLM Filter ID based on the name and given parent (or -1 for any parent), returns undef if not found.
ODB -> Orient Database Handle Reference (i.e. \$ODB)
NDB -> Neo4j Database Handle Reference (i.e. \$NDB)
DBH -> Assure1 Database Handle Reference (i.e. \$DBH)
Config -> Assure1 Config handle (i.e. $Config)
Log -> Assure1 Log handle (i.e. $Log)
StorageHash -> Cache (i.e. $StorageHash)
Name -> SLM Filter Name
ParentID -> (Optional) Service Parent ID (-1=any (first occurence), defaults to -1)
1. ErrorFlag (0 Good, 1 Bad)
2. Message (String)
3. SLM Filter ID (String)
my ($ErrorFlag, $Message, $SLMFilterID) = FindSLMFilterID({
ODB => \$ODB,
DBH => \$DBH,
Config => $Config,
Log => $Log,
StorageHash => $StorageHash,
ParentID => $ServiceID,
Name => "My SLM Filter"
if (!$SLMFilterID) {
$Log->Message('ERROR', "Error Finding SLM Filter: $Message");
my $SLMFilterID = FindSLMFilterID({
ODB => \$ODB,
DBH => \$DBH,
Config => $Config,
Log => $Log,
StorageHash => $StorageHash,
ParentID => $ServiceID,
Name => "My SLM Filter"
if (!$SLMFilterID) {
$Log->Message('ERROR', "Error Finding SLM Filter");
Convenience function to FindVertexID for SLM Metric vertex with Create = 0. Finds an SLM Metric ID based on the name and given parent (or -1 for any parent), returns undef if not found.
ODB -> Orient Database Handle Reference (i.e. \$ODB)
NDB -> Neo4j Database Handle Reference (i.e. \$NDB)
DBH -> Assure1 Database Handle Reference (i.e. \$DBH)
Config -> Assure1 Config handle (i.e. $Config)
Log -> Assure1 Log handle (i.e. $Log)
StorageHash -> Cache (i.e. $StorageHash)
Name -> SLM Metric Name
ParentID -> (Optional) Service Parent ID (-1=any (first occurence), defaults to -1)
1. ErrorFlag (0 Good, 1 Bad)
2. Message (String)
3. SLM Metric ID (String)
my ($ErrorFlag, $Message, $SLMMetricID) = FindSLMMetricID({
ODB => \$ODB,
DBH => \$DBH,
Config => $Config,
Log => $Log,
StorageHash => $StorageHash,
ParentID => $ServiceID,
Name => "My SLM Metric"
if (!$SLMMetricID) {
$Log->Message('ERROR', "Error Finding SLM Metric: $Message");
my $SLMMetricID = FindSLMMetricID({
ODB => \$ODB,
DBH => \$DBH,
Config => $Config,
Log => $Log,
StorageHash => $StorageHash,
ParentID => $ServiceID,
Name => "My SLM Metric"
if (!$SLMMetricID) {
$Log->Message('ERROR', "Error Finding SLM Metric");
Convenience function to FindVertexID for SLM Service vertex with Create = 0. Finds an SLM Service ID based on the name and given parent (or -1 for any parent), returns undef if not found.
ODB -> Orient Database Handle Reference (i.e. \$ODB)
NDB -> Neo4j Database Handle Reference (i.e. \$NDB)
DBH -> Assure1 Database Handle Reference (i.e. \$DBH)
Config -> Assure1 Config handle (i.e. $Config)
Log -> Assure1 Log handle (i.e. $Log)
StorageHash -> Cache (i.e. $StorageHash)
Name -> Service Name
ParentID -> (Optional) Service Parent ID (-1=any (first occurence), 0=top level, defaults to -1)
1. ErrorFlag (0 Good, 1 Bad)
2. Message (String)
3. SLM Service ID (String)
my ($ErrorFlag, $Message, $SLMServiceID) = FindSLMServiceID({
ODB => \$ODB,
DBH => \$DBH,
Config => $Config,
Log => $Log,
StorageHash => $StorageHash,
ParentID => $ServiceID,
Name => "My SLM Service"
if (!$SLMServiceID) {
$Log->Message('ERROR', "Error Finding SLM Service: $Message");
my $SLMServiceID = FindSLMServiceID({
ODB => \$ODB,
DBH => \$DBH,
Config => $Config,
Log => $Log,
StorageHash => $StorageHash,
ParentID => $ServiceID,
Name => "My SLM Service"
if (!$SLMServiceID) {
$Log->Message('ERROR', "Error Finding SLM Service");
Updates an SLM Filter vertex. If doesn't exist, returns an error.
DBH -> Assure1 Database Handle Reference (i.e. \$DBH)
ODB -> Orient Database Handle Reference (i.e. \$ODB)
NDB -> Neo4j Database Handle Reference (i.e. \$NDB)
Config -> Assure1 Config handle (i.e. $Config)
Log -> Assure1 Log handle (i.e. $Log)
StorageHash -> Cache (i.e. $StorageHash)
SLMFilterID -> SLM Filter ID to update
SLMFilter -> SLM Filter hash ref containing at least one related property & new value.
See CreateSLMEventFilter for list of supported properties. If a supported property is not given, no change is made to it.
1. ErrorFlag (0 Good, 1 Bad)
2. Message (String)
3. SLM Filter ID (String)
my ($ErrorFlag, $Message) = UpdateSLMFilter({
DBH => \$DBH,
ODB => \$ODB,
Config => $Config,
Log => $Log,
StorageHash => $StorageHash,
SLMFilterID => $SLMFilterID,
SLMFilter => {
Name => "My Updated SLM Filter",
WhereClause => "Severity = 4",
StatusID => 0
if ($ErrorFlag) {
$Log->Message('ERROR', "Error Updating SLM Filter: $Message");
$ErrorFlag = UpdateSLMFilter({
DBH => \$DBH,
ODB => \$ODB,
Config => $Config,
Log => $Log,
StorageHash => $StorageHash,
SLMFilterID => $SLMFilterID,
SLMFilter => {
Name => "My Updated SLM Filter",
WhereClause => "Severity = 4",
StatusID => 0
if ($ErrorFlag) {
$Log->Message('ERROR', "Error Updating SLM Filter");
Updates an SLM Metric vertex. If doesn't exist, returns an error.
DBH -> Assure1 Database Handle Reference (i.e. \$DBH)
ODB -> Orient Database Handle Reference (i.e. \$ODB)
NDB -> Neo4j Database Handle Reference (i.e. \$NDB)
Config -> Assure1 Config handle (i.e. $Config)
Log -> Assure1 Log handle (i.e. $Log)
StorageHash -> Cache (i.e. $StorageHash)
SLMMetricID -> SLM Metric ID to update
SLMMetric -> SLM Metric hash ref containing at least one related property & new value.
See CreateSLMMetric for list of supported properties. If a supported property is not given, no change is made to it.
1. ErrorFlag (0 Good, 1 Bad)
2. Message (String)
3. SLM Metric ID (String)
my ($ErrorFlag, $Message) = UpdateSLMMetric({
DBH => \$DBH,
ODB => \$ODB,
Config => $Config,
Log => $Log,
StorageHash => $StorageHash,
SLMMetricID => $SLMFilterID,
SLMMetric => {
Name => "My Updated SLM Metric",
MetricID => $MetricID,
StatusID => 0
if ($ErrorFlag) {
$Log->Message('ERROR', "Error Updating SLM Metric: $Message");
$ErrorFlag = UpdateSLMMetric({
DBH => \$DBH,
ODB => \$ODB,
Config => $Config,
Log => $Log,
StorageHash => $StorageHash,
SLMMetricID => $SLMFilterID,
SLMMetric => {
Name => "My Updated SLM Metric",
MetricID => $MetricID,
StatusID => 0
if ($ErrorFlag) {
$Log->Message('ERROR', "Error Updating SLM Metric");
Updates an SLM Service vertex. If doesn't exist, returns an error.
DBH -> Assure1 Database Handle Reference (i.e. \$DBH)
ODB -> Orient Database Handle Reference (i.e. \$ODB)
NDB -> Neo4j Database Handle Reference (i.e. \$NDB)
Config -> Assure1 Config handle (i.e. $Config)
Log -> Assure1 Log handle (i.e. $Log)
StorageHash -> Cache (i.e. $StorageHash)
ServiceID -> SLM Service ID to update
Service -> SLM Service hash ref containing at least one related property & new value.
See CreateSLMService for list of supported properties. If a supported property is not given, no change is made to it.
1. ErrorFlag (0 Good, 1 Bad)
2. Message (String)
3. SLM Service ID (String)
my ($ErrorFlag, $Message) = UpdateSLMMetric({
DBH => \$DBH,
ODB => \$ODB,
Config => $Config,
Log => $Log,
StorageHash => $StorageHash,
ServiceID => $ServiceID,
Service => {
Name => "My Updated SLM Service",
PollTime => 300,
StatusID => 0
if ($ErrorFlag) {
$Log->Message('ERROR', "Error Updating SLM Service: $Message");
$ErrorFlag = UpdateSLMService({
DBH => \$DBH,
ODB => \$ODB,
Config => $Config,
Log => $Log,
StorageHash => $StorageHash,
ServiceID => $ServiceID,
Service => {
Name => "My Updated SLM Service",
PollTime => 300,
StatusID => 0
if ($ErrorFlag) {
$Log->Message('ERROR', "Error Updating SLM Service");