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Assure1 Event Mechanizations Runner


The Assure1 Event Mechanizations Runner will execute Mechanizations (MySQL stored procedures). The default job configuration is to run this every minute, but the actual mechanizations executed will depend on their own scheduling which is independent of the job.

Mechanizations Runner Setup

  1. Add a new Mechanization(s) or modify an existing Mechanization(s):

    Configuration -> Events -> Processing -> Mechanizations

  2. Enable the default Job, unless a specific configuration option is needed.

    Configuration -> Broker Control -> Jobs

Default Scheduled Job

Field Value
Package Name coreProcessing-app
Job Name Event Run Mechanizations
Job Program bin/core/processing/RunMechanizations
Job Arguments
Job Description Run Mechanization Stored Procedure in DB
Failover Type Standalone (Supported: Standalone, Primary/Backup)
Status Disabled
Privileged (Checked)
Minutes *
Hours *
Days *
Months *
WeekDays *

Default Configuration

Name Value Possible Values Notes
LogFile logs/EventMechRunner.log Text, 255 characters Relative path to Log File.
LogLevel ERROR OFF, FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG Logging level used by application.
ShardID 1 Integer Database shard to be used.

Best Practices

  • Mechanizations should use CURSOR's to reduce the likelihood of locking the database.

Administration Details

The following list shows the technical details needed for advanced administration of the application:

  • Package - coreProcessing-app

  • Synopsis - ./RunMechanizations OPTIONS

  • Options:

     -c, --AppConfigID N   AppConfigID => Application Config ID (Service, Job, or Request ID)
     -?, -h, --Help        Print usage and exit
  • Metadata - Threaded: Multi-Threaded