Assure1 Metric Missing Data Threshold Engine¶
The Assure1 Metric Missing Data Threshold Engine generates violations based upon data existing for a metric, but if the metric data then stops being inserting for whatever reason, a threshold violation will be generated when the scheduled job is ran. This can detect when polling suddenly stops and does not resume either from an application failure, network issues, etc. The application will not detect skipped polls or intermittent inserts.
Missing Data Threshold Engine Setup¶
As part of using the Missing Data Threshold Engine application, the "Metric Standard Thresholding Engine" must also be enabled and running to process threshold violation messages into events.
Add Threshold(s) or modify existing Threshold(s):
Configuration -> Metrics -> Thresholds -> Thresholds
Type must be:
Missing Data
Add threshold(s) to metrics. This can be done in several ways:
This can be done manually on the "Metrics" UI: Configuration -> Metrics -> Metrics
Added during metric creation when using "Polling Assignments" or "Polling Policies". See the related documentation:
Added to the metric during polling when using rules. See the "AddThresholdToMetric" library documentation.
Enable the default Job, unless a specific configuration option is needed.
Default Scheduled Job¶
Field | Value |
Package Name | coreProcessing-app |
Job Name | Metric Missing Data Threshold Engine |
Job Program | bin/core/processing/MissingDataThresholdEngine |
Job Arguments | |
Job Description | Generate Missing Data of Pollers |
Failover Type | Standalone (Supported: Standalone, Primary/Backup) |
Status | Disabled |
Privileged | (Unchecked) |
Minutes | 7 |
Hours | 0 |
Days | * |
Months | * |
WeekDays | * |
Default Configuration¶
Name | Value | Possible Values | Notes |
LogFile | logs/MetricMissingDataThresholdEngine.log | Text, 255 characters | Relative path to Log File. |
LogLevel | ERROR | OFF, FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG | Logging level used by application. |
Threads | 3 | Integer | The number of processing threads created. |
DeviceGroupID | Combobox of available Groups | Optional - If specified, the thresholding engine will only look at metrics for devices in the specific group. | |
DeviceZoneID | All Zones | Combobox of available Zones | Optional - If specified, the thresholding engine will only look at metrics for devices in the specific zone. |
SendAllViolations | Disabled | Enabled/Disabled | Optional - If set to "Enabled", every threshold violation (regardless of current state) will create a notification. Otherwise, only violations that changed state will be sent e.g. only Active violations from a Clear state and Clear messages from an Active state. |
Best Practices¶
- The default job configuration is to run at 12:07am every day. This job should be executed after all metric polling is complete to ensure valid results.
Administration Details¶
The following list shows the technical details needed for advanced administration of the application:
Package - coreProcessing-app
Synopsis -
./MissingDataThresholdEngine [OPTIONS]
-c, --AppConfigID N Application Config ID (Job ID) -?, -h, --Help Print usage and exit
Threaded - Multi-Threaded