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Assure1 Metric Data Migration Tool


The Assure1 Metric Data Migration Tool is an application that can be used to migrate data from an Assure1 v4 installation to Assure1 v5.


Telegraf is configured to write to the raw retention policy only and requires additional configuration to write to the additional retention policies hourly and daily. The application sets a tag called rp, to daily or hourly, for data not in the default retention policy. Therefore, prior to running the tool some additional configuration is required to process the data written to the hourly and daily retention policies.

  1. A new configuration file, migrate.conf, should be created in $A1BASEDIR/etc/telegraf.d/ on each database server with the following configuration:

              urls                   = ["https://$METRICHOSTFQDN:8086"]
              database               = "Metric"
              skip_database_creation = true
              retention_policy       = "hourly"
              tagexclude             = ["rp"]
              write_consistency      = "any"
              timeout                = "30s"
              tls_ca                 = "$A1BASEDIR/etc/ssl/BundleCA.crt"
              tls_cert               = "$A1BASEDIR/etc/ssl/User-assure1.crt"
              tls_key                = "$A1BASEDIR/etc/ssl/User-assure1.key"
                      rp    = ["hourly"]
              urls                   = ["https://$METRICHOSTFQDN:8086"]
              database               = "Metric"
              skip_database_creation = true
              retention_policy       = "daily"
              tagexclude             = ["rp"]
              write_consistency      = "any"
              timeout                = "30s"
              tls_ca                 = "$A1BASEDIR/etc/ssl/BundleCA.crt"
              tls_cert               = "$A1BASEDIR/etc/ssl/User-assure1.crt"
              tls_key                = "$A1BASEDIR/etc/ssl/User-assure1.key"
                      rp     = ["daily"]

!!! Note Replace $A1BASEDIR with the appropriate installation directory (usually /opt/assure1) and $METRICHOSTFQDN with the appropriate server FQDN (e.g.

  1. Restart the telegraf service for the change to take effect.

  2. Run the MetricDataMigration tool.

  3. Once completed remove the migrate.conf configuration file.

  4. Restart the telegraf service for the changes to be reversed.

Administration Details

The following list shows the technical details needed for advanced administration of the application:

  • Package - coreProcessing-app

  • Synopsis - ./MetricDataMigration [OPTIONS]

  • Options:

     -c,  --V4Config        String    V4 Config filename and path (defaults to V5 Config)
     -d,  --MetricsDBHost   String    Hostname for Database with Metrics database (Required)
     -n,  --Threads         N         Number of threads to use. Defaults to single threaded if not defined
     -l,  --LogLevel        N         Log level to use. Defaults to ALWAYS if not defined. LEVELS: 0 [OFF] 1 [FATAL] 2 [ERROR] 3 [WARN] 4 [INFO] 5 [DEBUG].
     -f,  --LogFile         String    Filename for logging. Defaults to ~/logs/MetricDataMigration.log if not defined
     -m,  --MetricIDs       N N       Start and end MerticID in a range of MetricIDs to migrate. Defaults to all metrics if not defined
     -?, -h, --Help                   Print usage and exit
  • Threaded - Multi-Threaded