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Linking to a Custom Metric Graph

There are several use cases where you would like to open a metric graph without going through the usual steps, and the performanceData functionality has been updated to allow all configuration options to be set via a URL call. Multiple inputs can be provided in a single call to show very specific information.

Accepted Inputs

The input names are case sensitive, and must be entered properly to ensure the correct functionality.

Name Description Notes
DeviceID The Device ID for the metric to be displayed, or multiple Device IDs can be provided in a comma-separated list. If displaying multiple metrics from different devices on a single graph, multiple Device IDs will need to be passed in in an order that correlates to the provided Metric IDs.
MetricID The Metric ID to be displayed, or multiple Metric IDs can be provided in a comma-separated list. If displaying multiple metrics from different devices on a single graph, multiple Device IDs will need to be passed in in an order that correlates to the provided Metric IDs.
Period Which period of data to display. Allowed values are: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly. Optional: Defaults to "Daily" if not provided.
StartTime The starting point of data to be displayed. Allowed formats are:Date => yyyy-mm-dd. Date and Time => yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS. Date and Time => yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS. Defaults to now - duration if not provided. If "StartTime" is provided without a "StopTime", defaults to "start time + duration". ("duration" will be determined by the "Period" that is used.) If using the "Date and Time" option, the data must be URL encoded for proper functionality, e.g.:yyyy-mm-ddTHH%3AMM%3ASS" or "yyyy-mm-dd%20HH%3AMM%3ASS. If using the "date"-only format, the time will be automatically set to midnight.
StopTime The ending point of data to be displayed. Allowed formats are:Date => yyyy-mm-dd. Date and Time => yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS. Date and Time => yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS. Defaults to "now" if not provided. If "StopTime" is provided without a "StartTime", defaults to "stop time - duration". ("duration" will be determined by the "Period" that is used.) If using the "Date and Time" option, the data must be URL encoded for proper functionality, e.g.:yyyy-mm-ddTHH%3AMM%3ASS" or "yyyy-mm-dd%20HH%3AMM%3ASS. If using the "date"-only format, the time will be automatically set to midnight.
ShowMetricGroup Whether or not to include the other metrics that are in the same metric group and on the same instance. Allowed values are "0" or "1". Defaults to "0" if not provided.
GraphTitle Any text string that can be displayed in the title bar. "[Metric Type] ([Device Name])" for a single metric. "Mixed Metrics ([Device Name])" for multiple metrics from a single device. "Mixed Metrics" for multiple metrics from multiple devices.
AbnormalThreshold Whether or not to show the Abnormal Threshold lines. Allowed values are "0" or "1". Defaults to "0" if not provided.
ThresholdLines Whether or not to show the regular Threshold lines. Allowed values are "0" or "1". Defaults to "0" if not provided. If set to "1", the "100%" option is automatically enabled. ("100%" is also called the "FullScale" option below.)
Trend Whether or not to show the Trend lines. Allowed values are "0" or "1". Defaults to "0" if not provided.
Stack Whether or not to stack the metrics on top of one another. Allowed values are: All, Device, Instance, MetricGroup, MetricType, None. Defaults to "Metric Group" if not provided.
ConnectMissing If some data points are missing, the line in the graph will still be drawn in full. Allowed values are "0" or "1" Defaults to "0" if not provided.
FullScale Whether or not to use the 100% view functionality, which will adjust the Y-axis to show the full range of possible data. This will only work on metrics that have a maximum value set. Allowed values are "0" or "1". Optional. Defaults to "0" if not provided. If ThresholdLines is set to "1", this option will be automatically enabled.
Logarithmic Whether or not to use the logarithmic view functionality, which will change the Y-axis from a linear scale to a logarithmic scale. Allowed values are "0" or "1". Optional: Defaults to "0" if not provided.

Use Cases

The examples below are using Device and Metric IDs that are specific to the installation the examples were built from. Device and Metric IDs will vary from installation to installation:

  • DeviceIDs:

    • "1" = the presentation server.

    • "2" = another server device in the Device Catalog.

  • MetricIDs:

    • "39" = the latency metric for the presentation server (DeviceID = 1).

    • "140" = the cpu utilization metric for the presentation server (DeviceID = 1).

    • "142" = the memory used metric for the presentation server (DeviceID = 1).

    • "43" = the latency metric for the other server (DeviceID = 2).

    • "288" = the cpu utilization metric for the other server (DeviceID = 2).


  • Display a graph with a single metric:

    • https://(WebFQDN)/#/metricBase/performanceData?DeviceID=1&MetricID=39
  • Display a graph with a two metrics from the same device:

    • https://(WebFQDN)/#/metricBase/performanceData?DeviceID=1&MetricID=39,140
  • Display a graph with a two metrics from two different devices:

    • https://(WebFQDN)/#/metricBase/performanceData?DeviceID=1,2&MetricID=39,43
  • Display a graph with a three metrics from two different devices:

    • https://(WebFQDN)/#/metricBase/performanceData?DeviceID=1,1,2&MetricID=39,140,43
  • Display a graph using the "Weekly" period:

    • https://(WebFQDN)/#/metricBase/performanceData?DeviceID=1&MetricID=39&Period=Weekly
  • Display a graph with a custom start date (will display 24 hours of data):

    • https://(WebFQDN)/#/metricBase/performanceData?DeviceID=1&MetricID=39&StartTime=2018-06-02
  • Display a graph with a custom start date and 2 AM time (will display 24 hours of data):

    • https://(WebFQDN)/#/metricBase/performanceData?DeviceID=1&MetricID=39&StartTime=2018-06-02%2002%3A00%3A00
  • Display a graph with a custom stop date (will display 24 hours of data):

    • https://(WebFQDN)/#/metricBase/performanceData?DeviceID=1&MetricID=39&StopTime=2018-06-02
  • Display a graph with a custom stop date and 2 AM time (will display 24 hours of data):

    • https://(WebFQDN)/#/metricBase/performanceData?DeviceID=1&MetricID=39&StopTime=2018-06-02%2002%3A00%3A00
  • Display a graph with a custom start date and 2 AM time, along with a custom stop time and 3 AM time (will display 1 hour of data):

    • https://(WebFQDN)/#/metricBase/performanceData?DeviceID=1&MetricID=39&StartTime=2018-06-02%2002%3A00%3A00&StopTime=2018-06-02%2003%3A00%3A00
  • Display a graph with a single metric selected, but will also show other metrics that are on the same instance and in the same metric group:

    • https://(WebFQDN)/#/metricBase/performanceData?DeviceID=1&MetricID=39&ShowMetricGroup=1
  • Display a graph with a single metric and a custom title:

    • https://(WebFQDN)/#/metricBase/performanceData?DeviceID=1&MetricID=39&GraphTitle=Custom%20Title
  • Display a graph with a single metric along with the abnormal threshold line:

    • https://(WebFQDN)/#/metricBase/performanceData?DeviceID=1&MetricID=39&AbnormalThreshold=1
  • Display a graph with a single metric and threshold line(s) displayed:

    • https://(WebFQDN)/#/metricBase/performanceData?DeviceID=1&MetricID=39&ThresholdLines=1
  • Display a graph with a single metric and the trend line(s):

    • https://(WebFQDN)/#/metricBase/performanceData?DeviceID=1&MetricID=39&Trend=1
  • Display a graph with a single metric selected, but uses the "ShowMetricGroup" option to include other metrics in the same metric group, and also disables the stacking of values:

    • https://(WebFQDN)/#/metricBase/performanceData?DeviceID=1&MetricID=142&ShowMetricGroup=1&Stack=None
  • Display a graph with a single metric that is missing some data points, but "ConnectMissing" is enabled to draw a solid line instead of showing a gap(s):

    • https://(WebFQDN)/#/metricBase/performanceData?DeviceID=1&MetricID=39&ConnectMissing=1
  • Display a graph with a single metric and the full scale option (a.k.a. 100%) enabled:

    • https://(WebFQDN)/#/metricBase/performanceData?DeviceID=1&MetricID=39&FullScale=1
  • Display a graph with a single metric and the logarithmic option enabled:

    • https://(WebFQDN)/#/metricBase/performanceData?DeviceID=1&MetricID=39&Logarithmic=1